
Questlogs using this decklist
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kjeld 709

My second attempt at a soldier of fortune Na'asiyah deck, in which you pay for services rendered. There are so many ways that the combination of this hero's traits, contract constraints, and the card pool limit this deck -- many of the best cards and attachments for a solo-hero build simply don't work or require too many pieces. So we have to make do with second-bests or workarounds.

There are very few allies which can be included in this deck, which makes it particularly challenging for overcoming the weaknesses of a Grey Wanderer build. However, both Dúnedain Hunter and Dúnedain Wanderer are fast and effective allies that can take a bit of the pressure off of our mercenary hero.

The biggest setback for Na'asiyah here is her glaring lack of willpower or access to willpower enhancements. Strider helps and should always be the card you grab, unless it's in your opening hand in which case Arod, Necklace of Girion, or Song of Travel can be good alternate choices depending on the quest. Eventually, with Strider, Silver Circlet, the Necklace, and Song of Hope, you can quest for 10 every round. Lay of Nimrodel is there to help you with the big quest pushes when you're ready to clear a stage.

Resourceful is a must-have. Too many cards were required for a Steward of Gondor package, so you have to rely on these cards plus boosts from Necklace of Girion and Love of Tales to build up your resource reserve. Deep Knowledge and Daeron's Runes help to get cards in your hand as quickly as possible, but they do take up one of your sphere match options for the turn. Unexpected Courage, Magic Ring, and Outmatched let you get more uses out of your solo pirate.

Wait no Longer particularly shines in this deck, as you can generally handle another enemy with ease. Arod is the only location control, so prioritize this.

Clearly, this is a weak deck and there are many quests that I wouldn't bother attempting with it. But it can be a fun change of pace and I didn't see any other Grey Wanderer builds with this hero, so I wanted to throw it out there. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome!


Dec 11, 2020 Bushidough 4

Sorry to add to your woes, but Love of tales? How do you play that?

Dec 11, 2020 kjeld 709


Dec 12, 2020 Christian_Medic 1074

The first non-unique card each round doesn’t require a resource match so love of tales is fine to include.

If only they had a Blood of Numenor or Gondorian Fire style of card but for willpower you would be good to go. But at least Lay of Nimrodel does something similar.

As is though I would make room for: Miruvor x1 Protector of Lorien x1 The Favour of The Lady x2 Dunedain Quest x3 The Arkenstone x1 Courage Awakened x1 The One Ring x1 Inner Light x1 Golden Belt x1

You could Drop: Round Shield x2 One of each copy of your unique attachments (-3 cards total) Outmatched x2 Song of Healing x1 (the contracts healing you’ll find more than enough) Song of Hope x3 Love of Tales x1

If you make the above changes your willpower ceiling will be a lot higher around 19-21 and that’s before Lay of Nimrodel. Then you could take on a lot more quests other than the auto-loss ones to Grey Wanderer decks which you can’t do much about.

Dec 12, 2020 Bushidough 4

Ok, show me a lore hero then!

Dec 13, 2020 Christian_Medic 1074

@Bushidough the contract says: “ The first non-unique card you play each planning phase does not require a resource match.”

You don’t need a lore hero if you play it first

Dec 14, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

@Christian_Medic you are correct in that you don’t need a lore resource match. However, @Bushidough is correct as well in that Love of Tales must actually attach to a Lore hero, so it can’t go on Na’asiyah

Dec 14, 2020 jvader 135

@Christian_Medic i think you confusing gain the resource icon i.e Gandalf Bard son of Brand with of any sphere as in the contract