
Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Na'asolo 3 0 7 2.0
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kjeld 709

kjeld has a newer deck inspired by this one: Na'asolo

Note that this deck does not work as published. Legal version here: Both Steward of Gondor and Rod of the Steward are unique, and cannot be played with The Grey Wanderer. I don't see any way around this problem -- my dream of a Grey Wanderer deck with Na'asiyah may simply be doomed.

My attempt at a soldier of fortune Na'asiyah deck, in which you pay for services rendered.

There are very few allies which can be included in this deck, which makes it particularly challenging for overcoming the weaknesses of a Grey Wanderer build. However, both Dúnedain Hunter and Dúnedain Wanderer are fast and effective allies that can take a bit of the pressure off of our mercenary hero.

The biggest setback for Na'asiyah here is her glaring lack of willpower or access to willpower enhancements. Strider helps and should always be the card you grab, unless it's in your opening hand in which case Arod, Necklace of Girion, or Song of Travel can be good alternate choices depending on the quest. Eventually, with Strider, Silver Circlet, the Necklace, and Song of Hope, you can quest for 10 every round. Lay of Nimrodel is there to help you with the big quest pushes when you're ready to clear a stage.

Other than that, there's a pretty standard package designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible with 3x Steward of Gondor and 3x Resourceful. Deep Knowledge, Daeron's Runes, and Rod of the Steward all help to get cards in your hand as quickly as possible. Unexpected Courage, Magic Ring, and Outmatched let you get more uses out of your solo pirate.

Wait no Longer particularly shines in this deck, as you can generally handle another enemy with ease. Arod is the only location control, so prioritize this.

Clearly, this is a weak deck and there are many quests that I wouldn't bother attempting with it. But it can be a fun change of pace and I didn't see any other Grey Wanderer builds with this hero, so I wanted to throw it out there. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome!


Dec 10, 2020 perseflamme 71

Nice try ! I like the idea :)

Dec 11, 2020 AutumnRose 1509

How do you play Steward of Gondor? The contract doesn't allow playing uniques without a resource match.

Dec 11, 2020 kjeld 709

Doh! That was a late addition when I realized that I couldn't get enough resource acceleration off of Resourceful alone -- I guess I was engaged in wishful thinking (same with the Rod...). Dang, that's too bad. Hard to make this deck work without gobs and gobs of resources.

Dec 11, 2020 Raiderjakk 59

Can't wait to try this deck. She is one of my favorite underrated heroes. A few more are in order but great deck.

Dec 11, 2020 GKZhukov 99

You could include Song of Kings as a way to play Steward/Rod. Not saying it would be worth it, but that's one way to get those cards into play. Technically you could also get around it by including Reforged, and play them from the discard pile after ditching them with Daeron's Runes, but that requires so many pieces to come together it's really not worth it.

Dec 11, 2020 kjeld 709

Yes, those are both options to make the combo work -- as would be A Good Harvest -- but I fear it's just too many cards to get into hand all at the same time (and quickly enough).

Dec 11, 2020 eldub 694

Your one-cost attachment to start could be Song of Kings...sub-optimal, but it could be fun to make this deck more multiplayer focused and add Tireless Thoroughbred.

Dec 11, 2020 kjeld 709

Actually, starting Song of Kings could work. Would open up We Are Not Idle and Celebrían's Stone, as well.

Dec 11, 2020 Raiderjakk 59

I ran a version of this deck without Leadership and added Grappling Hook x3, Blade of Gondolin, The Favor of the Lady - anything to boost willpower. May run The One Ring and Strength and Courage to further boost the hooks. Also did Heed the Dream and Song of Wisdom to help play Lore cards outside of the contract parameters. Won Anduin two out of three times which was more than I thought I would. It would probably do okay against Escape From Umbar as well.

Dec 13, 2020 kjeld 709

I looked at Grappling Hook -- definitely a possibility, especially if you run the ring/strength combo -- but I'd need to stock up on something like War Axe to make the most out of it. The main problem with Grappling Hook is that it doesn't synergize well with Na'asiyah, because she can't use her ability with it. I thought about the Songs, but it's hard to find space in the deck for so many moving parts.

Dec 13, 2020 eldub 694

I made a version that’s basically just draw and resource acceleration for Na'asiyah to do her thing and not even bothering with trying to make it solo viable.