A Solo Rossiel Deck That Works

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banania 1966

Barring the timing issue on Messenger of the King that made me give up one attempt at Journey up the Anduin because I had drawn Henamarth Riversong, my supposedly hero, already in my starting hand (what a lame ruling), I've playtested that deck against (and with the following results victory/nb of attempts):

  • The Oath: 1/1
  • The Caves of Nibin-Dum: 1/1
  • Passage through Mirkwood: 1/1
  • Journey down the Anduin: 1/2
  • Journey up the Anduin: 1/3

I'll be playing that deck some more but in the meantime, I think I can say that "it works". It's not the best. It cannot beat every quest (forget quest where you need high willpower, lots of combat and/or big bosses) on its own, and for those quests it cannot beat, just pair it with a more polyvalent combat-focused deck (Silvan should do it alright wink wink).

So what's new?

1) Well I can choose Henamarth Riversong as the Messenger of the King. And thus the deck starts in Secrecy (17 threat, as Mirlonde is a nonbo for Messenger of the King) for a sizable amount of turns, solving both:

  • My hardcore thematic inclination, with now a full Silvan line-up
  • Early scrying with Henamarth Riversong (yeah you know, he starts in play man how strong is that?) and Ithilien Lookout
  • Early victory display filling with Out of the Wild discounted to 1 resource
  • Resource acceleration in the form of Resourceful

2) Woodland Sentry help dealing with those big enemies or locations you put in the victory display, just as The Door is Closed! is helping you with the treacheries (well and about anything, but I'm mostly using it against treacheries).


After that, it plays as a usual turtle deck. Get resources. Get cards with Mithrandir's Advice, Daeron's Runes and Galadhrim Minstrel. Scroll of Isildur is recycling the advice of Gandalf.

The allied selection is strong and Entish, with good questers.



The deck has enough card draw. Just throw some more in the deck. If you really want to cut something, one copy for Quickbeam and Haldir of Lórien is certainly enough.


Feb 27, 2020 TritonWreck 257

Nice deck. I wonder how much you can abuse the Woodland Sentry. Here’s a crazy thought: can you somehow play The Elvenking and use it to keep bringing the Sentry back to your hand? Maybe by using Rivendell Minstrel and Song of Kings?

Feb 28, 2020 banania 1966

I would simply use A Good Harvest

Feb 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

its more a mono-lore-secrecy- deck than a rossieldeck ;) (the secrecy-aspect is far more important then her ability ;) ) but nevertheless, a nice possibility to use her, even if it would work with any hero up to her thread.

i would add 1-2 cloak of lorien or protector of lorien

Feb 28, 2020 Gibby 51

I doubt that Mirlonde’s threat reduction works with MotK targets. If not, the starting threat after contract set-up will probably be 17.

Feb 28, 2020 banania 1966

@Gibbyyou're right, Mirlonde is a nonbo with Messenger of the King. It seems I was fooled by RingsDB algorithm, I will update my description. It gives you one less turn in Secrecy, but as I described, playing Keen as Lances can quickly restore that.

@doomguardwell in that case, no Rossiel deck is Rossiel deck :) Most of them I've seen were already striving for Secrecy. I would add that you're really happy yo have those +2 and +2 and as soon as possible. What other use is there to make of Rossiel if not getting those boost? Am I missing something awesome about Rossiel?

If your point is to say "well, the Victory Display never needed Rossiel really, it's sometimes even better with another hero", well yes, it has always been the case. Even Denethor for example could be considered a very very valid target, especially in multiplayer if you're not the quester.

What most people mean when they say a "Rossiel deck" is a truly a "Victory Display deck". Now is my deck a Victory Display deck? Well try, it, you'll see for yourself :)

Feb 28, 2020 banania 1966

Just to finish my point, the enabler here is Henamarth Riversong. Just find two other heroes more powerful than Mirlonde and Rossiel (who are arguably not amazing, if not period bad). As long you're in Secrecy it's working :)

Feb 28, 2020 doomguard 2191

@bananiakk then we think the same. in multiplayer i thnk i woulf prefer bifur, solo she is not bad with willpower of 2. and a hitpoint more then a hobbit. perhaps denethor would be better for scrying and defending from start. for treepeople there are (for me) to few silvans in the deck (i count 5 right?) in multiplayer i would change the treepeople with goldors council.

how do u want to put enemys in the victory discard? only with out of the wild? overall i think with haldir instead of her the deck would be more effektive, then it is possible to kill enemys in secrecy in the staging area.

Feb 28, 2020 banania 1966

Except you don't have any way on your own (meaning access to in solo) to play weapons on Haldir, and a meager 3 only kills the weakest enemies. I've been successfully engaging middle-size enemies, defending either with Rossiel or Treebeard and killing with the surprising high amount of in this deck.

Then again, as I wrote in the description, pairing that deck with some kind of Legolas (or MotK Legolas) Great Yew Bow and Haldir of Lorien sniping could be very very interesting. Especially since we have now the Golden Belt.

Feb 28, 2020 Gibby 51

16 or 17 theat - deck looks fun to try out regardless.

Another rules question though: Does MotK’d Hemanarth count as heaving a printed lore icon (for Scroll of Isildur)? I would say yes, but am not quite sure.

Feb 28, 2020 banania 1966

Yes it's in the FAQ for Sword Thain www.lotr-lcg-quest-companion.gamersdungeon.net

Feb 29, 2020 doomguard 2191

there are loreweapons that fits well: rangerspear (haldir is ranger), legacy blade, glamdring and the new keen longbow hallofbeorn.com

Feb 29, 2020 banania 1966

I feel like Ranger Spear and Legacy Blade would be the best options. Although, honestly, I would just good harvest some weapons.

Feb 29, 2020 Gibby 51

Thanks for having shared the ruling in Sword Thain giving printed sphere icons. It should be a no-brainer that MotK works the same.