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Aragorns Adventure | 13 | 5 | 3 | 1.0 |
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Card draw simulator |
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0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Durins_Father 3268
Now that I had some spare time, it was time to rework the Aragorn Adventure deck that I posted earlier this week. This time I have added some more recent cards up to Flight of the Stormcaller because Vanish from Sight is a perfect card for any Secrecy-Heavy deck that has gone over the 20 threat threshold. This card will allow for a late game Resourceful or Dúnedain Wanderer. Other changes made in regard to the previous deck are Master of the Forge and Warden of Healing to heal Aragorn of any Damage and to help fetch several key attachments like Sword that was Broken, Celebrían's Stone, Ring of Barahir and Steward of Gondor.
Again you can use A Good Harvest to give Aragorn either or to help pay for cards while the other attachments are still missing.
Resource acceleration is being boosted by a lot of effects like the Zigil Miner/Imladris Stargazer combo, Resourceful and Steward of Gondor.
Get your allies out quickly with the combination of A Very Good Tale and Timely Aid or with Elf-stone to get the more expensive allies out. Erestor would be a good draw since he can discard any additional copies of unique cards for perhaps cards that you are still missing.
Readying Aragorn with more than his action alone is provided by Cram, Unexpected Courage, [Heir of Mardil] (/card/08113) (with steward combo). Defence is helped by Aragorn's lover Arwen Undómiel who suplies him with more and Dori can help to absorb the minor damage. is of course boosted as soon as you can get Ring of Barahir on Aragorn alongside his other Artifacts.
All in all, every card works well with Aragorn and you could get the best use out of the Secrecy keyword for the first couple of rounds. Get your resources going asap, then get your allies out as well as your key attachments.
If you guys have any additions or suggestions to this deck, please let me know in the comments. I would also like to explore the single hero build for other heroes. Suggestions for those can also be posted. (Glorfindel anyone????).