Aragorns Adventure

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Aragorn's Adventure Remastered 8 6 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Durins_Father 3268

Durins_Father has a newer deck inspired by this one: Aragorn's Adventure Remastered

When I finished making 10 regualr decks from my cardpool, I found that I had a lot of cards remaining. Most of them were secrecy cards. So I made a deck out of them which focuses on Aragorn getting his "toys"(Sword, Ring, Stone) out quickly and start paying for his own party of allies.

A lot of readying effects were added so that Aragorn can Quest, Attack and Defend in each turn. Resource generation is usually a problem with decks that only have one hero, so it is vital you get Steward and Resourceful out quickly. Events like A Good Harvest and Gaining Strength can ensure a lot of resource smouthing over the three spheres if you dont draw the right toys in hte first turns.

Lowering your threat is possible via multiple effects so that you can make the most use out of the secrecy cards in htis deck. Once you pass over 20 threat, Aragorn should be buffed so that he can take out the encounterdeck.

This deck is very experimental but I had some succesfull runs against some earlier quests. The theme of Aragorn taking on the quest by himself is truely fun if you are intrested in a less than serious game.

The deck works best in a multiplayer game with Aragorn coming late to the party.


May 09, 2016 Durins_Father 3268

If you guys like this deck, I'll make an updated version of it not based on what I had in spare cards and with more recent cards (I currently own up to Dunland Trap). Suggestions are most welcome.

May 09, 2016 Relmbob 71

You might want more copies of Ring of Barahir and Celebrian's Stone to get spirit and lore on Aragorn sooner.

May 09, 2016 Durins_Father 3268

Thanks, I'll certainly keep that in mind when making version 2.0. It is indeed vital that Aragorn gains the and icons asap. More of those would indeed be good to include and perhaps discard effects like Daeron's Runes or Erestor to discard any duplicates.