Eowyn's Weathertop Stand

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Knifemare in the Dark Fellowship
Derived from
Haldir Shot First 4 3 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

The Purple Wizard 1195

Built to beat Knife In The Dark in nightmare mode for The Nightmare Campaign.

The goal here is to give Éowyn her big moment against The Witch King a bit earlier than it happened in the book. She gets a Golden Shield and Windfola to allow her to safely defend against The Witch King, and then her action plus a big attack bump from Keeping Count lets her one-shot kill it.

Haldir of Lórien does his usual work of sniping enemies. In this case, we can't realistically get his attack up enough to snipe the nazgul (unless the Black Arrow is involved) so we'll put in enough attack for him to snipe the ever-present spies. Importantly, he gets the first Keeping Count which buffs up the second one that Eowyn uses to kill the boss.

Other card choices:

~Treebeard is here to quest and save up his resources for an emergency defense, or the big end game battle, where he may be able to defend a couple Nazgul in the same round.

~Wellinghall Preserver is the only healing character that won't get killed by Power In Their Terror. And since ents are the only ones I'm expecting take any damage here, that works fine.

~Wandering Took provides a way to engage Bill Ferny (who is immune to player card effects while he's in the staging area in nightmare mode) earlier. He's pretty useless after that so you might want to chump him quickly. (In retrospect, he was unnecessary and I'd have been better off with anything else from the sideboard. But hey, it was a cool idea.)

~Arod provides a little location control, useful to keep Chetwood from lingering in the staging area, or to provide a way to explore Midgewater slowly without ever traveling there. (If I was ONLY looking for a plan for Midgewater, Explorer's Almanac would have been a better option.)

~Thrór's Key and Strider's Path are both ways of handling Forsaken Inn, a nasty location.


Jul 17, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

I'm happy just for the fact that Keeping Count works here!

Jul 17, 2019 The Purple Wizard 1195

@Wandalf the GizzardI know! Such a fun card. I've found it surprisingly useful for boss fights.