No review for this card yet ? OK I'm writing the first one. It's a versatile ally with an excellent cost-stat ratio, which fits naturally into two main types of deck:

1) Noldor (whether there is Erestor or not). The important thing here is not so much the rate of drawing as the rate of discarding cards from the hand. Eregion Survivor therefore fits very well with the cards Arwen Undómiel, Glorfindel, Elven Jeweler, Steed of Imladris, To the Sea, to the Sea!, or in multi-sphere with Song of Healing, Protector of Lórien, Wandering Exile, Watcher of the Bruinen, Trollshaw Scout, Erestor, or the neutral Guardian of Rivendell.

2) Decks that have access to the spirit sphere and suffer from a chronic lack of draw. We can think for example of a deck with Lothíriel in Rohan.


I'm surprised that no one has posted a review on this card yet, so I'm filling the gap here. It is a card that can be interesting in scenarios where the Doom keyword is frequent, or in decks without native or good sphere for resources acceleration. As a 1-cost neutral attachement, it is easy to enter potentially any deck. But above all it is an auto-include card in any deck with Gríma or Saruman.

In the first case, the mini combo Grima + Keys of Orthanc is a fabulous indirect universal resource generator, likely to accelerate the setup of the entire deck, because Grima's action is not limited neither to a type of card, nor to a sphere, nor even to a given phase. Keys of Orthanc increases the effectiveness of an already very powerful and flexible buit-in ability. Concretely, when you combine the Grima action with the Keys, a card that should have cost you 2 will be fully refunded to you after exhausting the Keys. And a card that costs 1 will earn you 1 in net balance. It's simple and terribly effective, if your threat level is not really a big issue in your game.

In the second case, a Saruman deck happily accommodates Keys of Orthanc, as a sort of doomed/Isengard equivalent of Steward of Gondor. It is a card which allows you to underline the Doom theme and which financially supports the dynamics of playing doomed cards, readying of Saruman and drawing when you add Steward of Orthanc to the deck.


The first review it's not correct: Rules: Then If the effect text of an ability includes the word “then,” the text preceding the word “then” must be successfully resolved (or be true) in full before the remainder of the effect described after the word “then” can be resolved.

You don't need to ready Medor if it's already ready; then activate in this case because it's TRUE that is ready.

Unfortunately the first review is correct, what must be resolved is the effect "ready Mendor", that is to say Mendor going from an exhausted status to a ready status (you cannot ready an already ready character, sorry for the tongue twister). I can see the confusion due to the same word used as an adjective and a verb. —

This card is completely useless within the "repackaged only" content!! They should have almost replaced it by another card from another set in the repackaged Dream Chaser. A bit of a disappointment.

This card seems to have been made specifically for the Weather Hills quest.

In normal times, the effect isn't that useful. But in the weather hills quest, because of the 1B forced effect: "After the active location is explored, reveal the top card of the Orc deck and resolve it as if it was just revealed from the encounter deck", it makes removing locations from the staging area have double use, first you get rid of a location, but it also prevent drawing from the orc deck for every single explored location (since the quest effect only applies to the active location). Keep in mind you can exhaust a ranger ally, and it doesn't need to be a hero.

Just look at the card: "Concealed Orc-camp", not only you need to add an orc to travel to the location, but the quest also make you reveal an orc when you explore it as active location. Since that location only has 2 quest points, and all enemies have at least 2 threat, Playing Expert Tracker means you will skip 2 orcs from entering play. This is huge, especially in true solo.

The biggest downside to this card is that it's a 1 time use, so you can't really rely on that card alone to get rid of all the locations in the staging area. Probably also need a card to get it back from the discard. Or other location control cards such as Riddermark's Finest or Northern Tracker.

Idraen is an awesome target for this card as well :). —
True, unfortunate that she's not in the repackaged content. —