The Wastes of Eriador - 2 Players - 2020-06-24

Victory with a score of 180 points on June 24, 2020
Taudir 339

Deadmen's Dike - 2 Players - 2020-06-24

Victory with a score of 174 points on June 24, 2020
Taudir 339

Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2020-06-24

Defeat on June 24, 2020
Sarus85 127

Miscellaneous adventures of the random Dwarf's (unpublished)

Played by Sarus85
Alduc 596

Helm's Deep - 1 Player - 2020-06-23

Victory with a score of 136 points on June 23, 2020
Fspage 24

Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-06-23

Victory with a score of 173 points on June 23, 2020
stonecrusher 53

Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-06-23

Victory with a score of 103 points on June 23, 2020
stonecrusher 53

The Weather Hills - 2 Players - 2020-06-23

Victory with a score of 166 points on June 23, 2020
Taudir 339

La búsqueda de Gollum - 1 Player - 2020-06-23

Victory with a score of 149 points on June 23, 2020
Juan 7

Eowyn-Dunheren- Beravor 1 Core (unpublished)

Played by Juan
Edmund 28

March of the Enyd (unpublished)

Played by Edmund

The Long Dark - 4 Players - 2020-06-22

Victory with a score of 188 points on June 22, 2020
lorunks 571

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck 22-06 (unpublished)

ciclo khazaddun - multi - 0.3 (unpublished)

Bifur Dain Beravor - Ciclo Nanosterro (unpublished)

Road to Rivendell - 4 Players - 2020-06-22

Victory with a score of 195 points on June 17, 2020
lorunks 571

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck 22-06 (unpublished)

Bifur Dain Beravor - Ciclo Nanosterro (unpublished)

New Lord of the Rings LCG Deck (clone) (unpublished)

ciclo khazaddun - multi - 0.3 (unpublished)

Intruders in Chetwood - 2 Players - 2020-06-22

Victory with a score of 171 points on June 22, 2020
Taudir 339
stonecrusher 53

Celebrimbor's Secret - 1 Player - 2020-06-22

Victory with a score of 81 points on June 22, 2020
lorunks 571

Boromir Erestor Denethor - ciclo Dreamchaser (unpublished)

Played by lorunks

The Stone of Erech - 1 Player - 2020-06-22

Victory with a score of 120 points on June 22, 2020
lorunks 571

Sam Pipino Merry - ciclo Dreamchaser (unpublished)

Played by lorunks
DerHansi 41

Leadership/Spirit Progression DerHansi v9 (unpublished)

Tactics/Lore progression DerHansi v6 (unpublished)

The Uruk-hai - 1 Player - 2020-06-20

Victory with a score of 139 points on June 20, 2020
Fspage 24

Breaking of the Fellowship - 1 Player - 2020-06-18

Victory with a score of 100 points on June 18, 2020
Fspage 24

Breaking of the Fellowship - 1 Player - 2020-06-18

Victory with a score of 114 points on June 18, 2020
Fspage 24

Win - Flight of the Stormcaller - 1 Player - 2020-06-21

Victory with a score of 137 points on June 21, 2020
kattattack22 866

The Antlered Crown - 2 Players - 2020-06-21

Victory with a score of 161 points on June 21, 2020
Taudir 339

Celebrimbor's Secret - 2 Players - 2020-06-21

Victory with a score of 157 points on June 21, 2020
Taudir 339
Alduc 596

A Journey to Rhosgobel - 1 Player - 2020-06-21

Victory with a score of 90 points on June 21, 2020
Taudir 339

The Ruins of Belegost - 1 Player - 2020-06-21

Victory with a score of 115 points on June 21, 2020
lorunks 571

Arwen Beregond Erestor - Ciclo Angmar contro Smaug (unpublished)

Played by lorunks
kattattack22 866
kattattack22 866
kattattack22 866
DerHansi 41

Tactics/Lore progression DerHansi v6 (unpublished)

Leadership/Spirit Progression DerHansi v9 (unpublished)