The Palantir Guides a Wandering Boromir

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - Flight of the Stormcaller - 1 Player - 2020-06-21
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
RJ - Solo Boromir 0 0 0 1.0
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TritonWreck 257

When I built this deck I imagined Boromir leading a charge of Gondor allies to victory, and it kind of feels that way when you play with all the allies in this deck.

There are multiple choices for the starting attachment on Boromir from The Grey Wanderer contract. You can go with the standard Strider, although Boromir is not the best quester and once you get more than 5 characters, he will only be contributing 1 WP. Or, you can go for Gondorian Shield if you need a big defender right away. If you have some off-sphere allies you can start with Lord of Morthond for card draw.

But, I like to start with the Palantir. It can make the game really interesting. In a solo game you can see three cards ahead and really plan out a round or more. Use the Palantir in planning and then ready Boromir using the contract. It's also really thematic. After I use it once I'm really tempted to use it again even as my threat increases. (See my quest log for Escape from Umbar for an example play using the Palantir - it was a close one).

If you use the Palantir enough it can even get you to Valour and the abilities on some of your allies will trigger. You can then use Pillars of the Kings to drop back to 40 later (or you can use it to jump to 40 for card draw for that final push).

Cards to look for
You want Visionary Leadership fairly soon to boost the willpower of your allies. Once that happens, questing becomes a lot easier. Of course, you want to see the secrecy cards early (especially if you're triggering the Palantir). Ally Denethor is good in this deck as you'll never have more than one damaged hero, and even then you can use the contract to heal Boromir. Steward is definitely nice to have but may not be necessary if you get some Resourcefuls out or Captain's Wisdom. Soldier of Gondor is great here to fish out particular Gondor allies like... Faramir, who is always good, especially after you already have some allies out. If you have lots of excess resources look for Heed the Dream to grab any card you want or Rod of the Steward to draw cards.

A possible alternative version of this deck that I haven't tried out uses cards from the sideboard and starts the game with the Horn of Gondor. Chump with cheap allies like Squire of the Citadel. Bring allies back with Knight of Belfalas or Stand and Fight. Get lots of resources.


Mar 10, 2020 kattattack22 866

This deck has me really intrigued. It combines several ideas I really like.

-I like Palantir decks even if I don't play them regularly. It is a risk reward playstyle I can really appreciate.

-It is Gondor swarm which is very thematic to me for Gondor. Plus, who doesn't want to lead the armies to Gondor into battle?

-It is single hero deck which is what I expected when I first heard about the game. I'm very glad we now have that option as a more viable deck type.

-I also really like the leadership version of Boromir. Not just for the art which is amazing. It embodies the Gondor trait synergizing with the resource acceleration and army of allies available. Only way it could be more so now is if it had a valour ability. Maybe we'll get a valour attachment in the last Vengeance of Mordor pack.

I was so excited about this deck I had to tell people on r/lotrlcg about it.

Mar 10, 2020 TritonWreck 257

@kattattack22, thanks for the comments. Yeah I've played Palantir decks before with three heroes but the threat goes up so fast I stopped using it. The threat can still go up quickly in this deck but at least you're starting low. If you're interested in single hero decks there a lot on RingsDB to check out now.