The Seventh Level - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2020-05-23

Victory with a score of 95 points on May 23, 2020
Rimogard 316

Dwarfses on Horses (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Peril in Pelargir - 2 Players - 2020-08-03

Defeat on August 03, 2020
DerHansi 41

Der Hansi Heirs of Numenor Lore/Tactics (unpublished)

Der Hansi Heirs of Numenor Leadership/Spirit 1 (unpublished)

Flight from Moria - 1 Player - 2020-08-30

Victory with a score of 54 points on August 31, 2020
Truck 1457

The Siege of Gondor - 2 Players - 2020-09-21

Victory with a score of 142 points on September 21, 2020
GusOrriols 626

SAGA_BROS - Mountain of Fire - Gus - Black Gate (unpublished)

Played by Gus

SAGA_BROS - Flame of the West - Toni (unpublished)

Played by Toni

Thunder beneath the Sands

Victory with a score of 249 points on November 04, 2020
Elessar010 556
TheMisFitMan 347

The Weather Hills - 2 Players - 2021-05-12

Victory with a score of 59 points on May 12, 2021
FormatFrank 20
alandor 50

Get on my lawn! (unpublished)

Played by alandor
kattattack22 866

Intruders in Chetwood - 1 Player - 2021-10-21

Victory with a score of 93 points on October 22, 2021
AltarofPan 59

Assault on Osgiliath - 2 Players - 2022-02-26

Victory with a score of 120 points on February 27, 2022
bane 89
GhostGoats 8

Tactics & Lore (unpublished)

Played by GhostGoats

The Dead Marshes - 1 Player - 2022-04-20

Victory on April 21, 2022
GhostGoats 8

Tactics & Lore (unpublished)

Played by GhostGoats
kjeld 682
Gamling 42
javi_onetti 1

Éomer - Hirgon - Lothíriel (unpublished)

Played by javi_onetti

Over the Misty Mountains Grim - 1 Player - 2022-08-10

Victory with a score of 101 points on August 10, 2022
Sururu 11

Escape from Mount Gram - 2 Players - 2022-08-18

Victory with a score of 78 points on August 18, 2022
Vortigern 2

Flight from Moria - 1 Player - 2022-09-09

Victory with a score of 58 points on September 10, 2022
cadocruz 1

The Long Dark - 1 Player - 2022-09-29

Victory with a score of 90 points on September 30, 2022
Tuttster 63

To Catch an Orc - 2 Players - 2022-10-20

Victory on October 20, 2022
Smiticus 5

Escape from Dol Guldur - 1 Player - 4th Attempt - 03/20/2023

Victory with a score of 159 points on March 20, 2023
onesacker15 8

Back to Basics - For Escape from Dol Guldur (unpublished)

Played by Isaac
Fluffy1 24
Isidore 676

The Watcher in the Water - 1 Player - 2023-08-09

Victory with a score of 149 points on August 09, 2023
HayashiM 82

Passage Through Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2023-11-03

Victory with a score of 142 points on November 03, 2023
OsricThorngage 1

The Dread Realm - 1 Player - 2023-11-26

Victory with a score of 139 points on November 26, 2023
xavier2357 1

sylvain_mineurs (unpublished)

Played by xavier2357

The Mûmakil - 1 Player - 2023-12-22

Victory on December 22, 2023

Great Attack Deck (unpublished)

Played by David