Harad Khazâd!!

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The Battle of Five Armies - 1 Player - 2022-04-28
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kjeld 682

Kahliel and the Haradrim refugees team up with Dáin's Iron Hills dwarves in a new take on The Last Alliance that breathes life back into the tired dwarf swarm archetype by mixing it with a Haradrim-infused mining element.

Mulligan, as usual, for Steward of Gondor, and fish it out with Heed the Dream if needed. You also want to see Erebor Record Keeper or Southron Refugee in your opening hand. The first helps with early questing (2 for 1!) and the latter helps you play more allies and gives you a chump blocker or additional quest boost if needed early.

Using The Last Alliance passive:

  • You start with 2 dwarves and 1 harad, so play a Southron Refugee for 1 first turn, then use it to reduce the cost of the next ally.
  • Make sure to plan out your plays and your Refugees to smooth out resources as much as possible. Ori's resources are in short supply unless you have Narvi's Belt.

Some fun uses of The Last Alliance action:

  • Target Kahliel to let him pay for Dwarf allies AND to discard a Dwarf/Harad to ready a Dwarf/Harad. This is the number one use for TLA early game because it allows you to ready Dain right out of the gate, possibly allowing him to both quest and defend while still getting full advantage of his global boost.
  • Target Dáin to give all your Harad allies +1 and +1 for the entire round.
  • Target Southron Refugee to reduce the cost of a Dwarf by 1.
  • Target To me! O my kinsfolk! to grab Yazan or Jubayr from the discard pile (though usually you'll just want to get Dwarven Sellsword or another dwarf).
  • Target Kahliel's Headdress to give all dwarves another +1 if you need a big questing boost AND to shuffle a Dwarf ally back into the deck from the discard pile.

Other play notes:

Possible tweaks and sideboard cards:

  • Armored Destrier for Dáin Ironfoot so that he can actually make use of his 3 . I'd swap out Hardy Leadership or Lure of Moria, as these are probably the least needed cards in the deck.
  • For quests with lots of Doomed or increasers, Favor of the Valar or Keen as Lances are probably the best options.
  • A Very Good Tale was in an earlier iteration, but it wasn't consistent enough for me with this particular ally mix. I went with card draw plus cost reduction instead. Still, it could be something to try.
  • Legacy of Durin is almost always amazing in a dwarf deck, and could make an appearance here. However, I didn't want to include 3x and just a one-off didn't seem quite consistent enough with only 17 dwarves in the deck. But I could be wrong and it's probably worth experimenting with, maybe better than Hardy Leadership.

Quest Success Rate:

  • Escape from Umbar: 1-0
  • Desert Crossing: 1-0
  • The Long Arm of Mordor: 1-0
  • The Mumakil: 1-1
  • Race Across Harad: 1-0

Aug 25, 2021 Alonewolf87 2439

Very cool deck, bravo!

Aug 25, 2021 kjeld 682

Thanks @Alonewolf87! I've been really enjoying playing around with The Last Alliance to breathe some new life into old and tired archetypes like the Dáin dwarf swarm. In this case, mixing with Harad felt fun and new -- there's enough dwarves that Dain is still very powerful, but not so much so that it feels boring to play. And I felt like I could dial back some of the more popular dwarf swarm staples like Legacy of Durin because there are other more interesting ways to get the same effect. I still ended up having to bring in Steward of Gondor, unfortunately, but at least avoided Sneak Attack Gandalf! (Though that was a requirement due to the contract...)

Aug 25, 2021 kjeld 682

I forgot to mention that the coolest thing I discovered with this contract is the synergy with Kahliel's action. From turn one you can ready Dain multiple times per round, allowing him to actually do stuff while still enjoying that beautiful +1 and +1 .

Jun 20, 2024 doomguard 2171

well made. a mono-leadership version with Glóin or Thorin Oakenshield instead of Ori and the mulligan for Lord of Morthond could be interesting.

btw i think use contract on Kahliel to discard for #dain is not the best option in early game (only if you like to have that specific card in your discard). dain only add s 2 to questing, you get the same, using it on dain, and give bonus for Kahliel and the 1. harad, this way you do not need a discard. if you need Dáin Ironfoot multiple times, then it is great.