Sméagol goes undercover 3 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders

Kjeld's combo 5 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders

Gollum. Don't use this... 3 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders

keep an eye on sméagol... 9 threat, cards up to Challenge of the Wainriders

Elrohir defends for the table 10 threat, cards up to Under the Ash Mountains

TheOneRing 58

Paolo 25 threat, cards up to Temple of the Deceived

Luca 25 threat, cards up to The Treachery of Rhudaur

Progression 11A 30 threat, cards up to The Watcher in the Water

Progression 11B 17 threat, cards up to The Watcher in the Water

slayn222 2
Marctimmins89 116
Kyarsus 1