Reveal an encounter card per player (OR NOT)


The titles say it! Mulligan for Wait no Longer and The Hidden Way to get a good start. Book of Eldacar and Scroll of Isildur will also help maintain these card effects longer in the game. After that I tried to keep things as simple as possible with the classic recipe between a hack 'n' slash deck and a utility deck. I believe I also managed to include as many new cards as I could just to break the monotony of the old (but still trustworthy) cards. I haven't tested this fellowship yet, but I will definitely give it a go soon, as I believe it looks pretty solid even if its main function (the wait no longer/the hidden way card combo) doesn't come up from the beginning.


Jul 17, 2019 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

How about Erebor Hammersmith and Second Breakfast to keep those events recycling!

Jul 17, 2019 Arathorn7 52

@Wandalf the GizzardErebor Erebor Hammersmith sounds great! I don't know about Second Breakfast though... Never really liked the card, but if it works for you sure!

Jul 17, 2019 Arathorn7 52

So, after trying these decks I found out that it doesn't always work well for the guarded player attachments so what I am suggesting is to use them whenever the scenario permits it. Otherwise they worked pretty well for the "test drive".