The eagles have landed in Belegost
sappidus 766
As ever, I make no claims towards being a particularly strong deck builder. But, as I did for my fellowship against Carn Dum, I thought I would publicly log a pair of decks that took down the nightmare-level Ruins of Belegost, in case anyone was specifically looking for a fellowship that could do so.
The general idea is relatively simple: turn Tactics Boromir into a killing machine. The standard way of doing so usually involves Steward of Gondor and Gondorian Fire. One can still fall back onto that here, but I wanted to try something different, so the power-up I prefer to use is Support of the Eagles. This can be a crazy card (and, unlike Fire, seems pretty safe from an erratum for a while) if you can get an Eagles of the Misty Mountains boosted up. But that card isn't in the Tactics deck!
Enter the Gandalf deck. It's the ol' power trio, with Elrond+Vilya providing the brunt of the card spam and Splorfindel for his crazy action advantage and, more importantly, Asfaloth access. The deep card draw that Expert Treasure-hunter and Gandalf's Staff bring allow for EoMM to hit the table sooner rather than later.
A potential weakness would be not drawing the Support early -- despite its 3x count, it's in a Tactics-Leadership deck. Legolas would seem the only assist here, but don't forget The Eagles Are Coming! can help filter the eagles into your hand, and, more importantly, Heed the Dream is available. resources are hardly necessary except to bring the Steward online, so they can easily fuel Heed's arbitrary tutoring ability. (From either deck! What a card.)
FYI, I had ten eagles under a single EoMM by the end of my first Belegost win.