95 Token Black Gate (or beat any other quest on turn 1)
Seastan 45832
This fellowship is capable of getting 95 tokens on The Black Gate in the quest The Black Gate Opens. Note that this is currently the maximum possible: The lowest possible starting threat is 5, and you threat out at 99. In this quest you must raise your threat by an additional point each round, and are limited to a reduction of 1 each round by the Dire keyword.
Turn 1:
Get a bunch of cards in the staging area using Dunedain Pathfinder. Make staging harmless this round by playing multiple Gildor's Counsel and Risk Some Light. Quest with no one, raise threat by a lot. Player 4 gets targeted by Ever Onward and does not raise his threat.
Player 1 plays Advance Warning so that enemies do not engage.
Player 4 reduces his threat by 1 with Renewed Friendship or Elrond's Counsel.
The goal is to get player 2 into valor (80+ threat). If this cannot be achieved after failing the quest once, you will have to do it again the next turn.
Turn 2 (or later):
In this round, players 1, 2, and 3 can play Justice Shall Be Done, because this will be their last turn.
Step 1
Player 2 triggers the Valor action on Rallying Cry.
Step 2
Completely empty the deck of locations. This is done by using the first three decks to repeatedly play Dunedain Pathfinder and recurring him with Born Aloft. There are only 14 locations in the encounter deck, so this not hard to do. With Rallying Cry active, you do not have to worry about whiffing since the ally will just come back to your hand.
Step 3
Play In Service of the Steward, Lord of Morthond, and Song of Travel onto one of player 3's heroes.
Note that since the encounter deck has no more locations, player 3 can now draw cards for free:
- Play Pathfinder for 0 cost.
- Trigger Lord of Morthond to draw 1 card.
- Then Pathfinder will whiff and return to the hand to be played again.
This allows player 3 to draw his entire deck. Player 3 then passes Desperate Alliance to player 2 using Message from Elrond. Player 2 then uses it to pass Thorin Oakenshield to player 3.
Step 4
Player 3 then sets up the following board state:
Already in play:
- 5 ready leadership Dwarf heroes (3 starting heroes, 1 from Sword-thain, and 1 from Desperate Alliance).
- On each hero is a Song attachment.
Now we keep track of the following cards:
- HAND: We Are Not Idle, Burst into Song, Tome of Atanatar, Second Breakfast
- IN PLAY: 5 ready Dwarf heroes
Step 5
Generate unlimited resources using the following loop:
Play Idle (+5 resources).
- H: Burst, Tome, Breakfast
- K:
- D: Idle
- P: 5 exhausted
- R: 5
Play Burst (-2 resources)
- H: Tome, Breakfast
- K:
- D: Idle, Burst
- P: 5 ready
- R: 3
Play Tome (0 resources)
- H: Breakfast
- K:
- D: Idle, Burst
- P: 5 ready, Tome
- R: 3
Trigger Tome on Idle (+5), then draw Idle
- H: Breakfast, Idle
- K:
- D: Burst, Tome
- P: 5 exhausted
- R: 8
Play Breakfast on Tome (-1)
- H: Idle, Tome
- K:
- D: Burst, Breakfast
- P: 5 exhausted
- R: 7
Play Tome (0), then trigger it on Breakfast (-1), choosing Tome as the target.
- H: Idle, Tome
- K: Breakfast
- D: Burst
- P: 5 exhausted
- R: 6
Draw for free (Pathfinder+Morthond+Rallying)
- H: Idle, Tome, Breakfast
- K:
- D: Burst
- P: 5 exhausted
- R: 6
Play Tome (0), then trigger it on Burst (-2)
- H: Idle, Breakfast
- K: Burst
- D: Tome
- P: 5 ready
- R: 4
Draw for free
- H: Idle, Burst, Breakfast
- K:
- D: Tome
- P: 5 ready
- R: 4
Play Breakfast (-1)
- H: Idle, Burst, Tome
- K:
- D: Breakfast
- P: 5 ready
- R: 3
Play Tome (0), then trigger it on Breakfast (-1), choosing Tome as the target.
- H: Idle, Burst, Tome
- K: Breakfast
- D:
- P: 5 ready
- R: 2
Draw for free
- H: Idle, Burst, Tome, Breakfast
- K:
- D:
- P: 5 ready
- R: 2
We are back at the start, with 2 resources. You can repeat this loop any number of times to generate as many resources as you want.
Step 6
Pass Glorfindel the resources you just generated with Parting Gifts. Play In Service of the Steward and Rod of the Steward on Glorfindel. Player 4 then draws his entire deck, and still has unlimited resources.
Step 7
With unlimited resources, player 4 can do essentially anything he wants. He can repeat any event in the game an unlimited number of times using a similar loop as described in Step 5. The loop will be a lot more expensive, because the Record attachments will not be free, but money is no problem anymore.
He can kill every enemy on the table by recurring the events A Light in the Dark, Hail of Stones, and Swift and Silent.
He can explore every location in play by recurring The Evening Star. He can sort through encounter deck by recurring Risk Some Light until a harmless treachery like In Darkness Bind Them is on top.
He can then ensure that no other cards get revealed by playing an arbitrary number of Gildor's Counsel each round.
He can repeat this the next round by putting that treachery back on top of the deck with Shadow of the Past.
He can give Glorfindel unlimited willpower by recurring Lay of Nimrodel each round.
He can recur Elrond's Counsel to reduce his threat by 1 each round (limited by the Dire keyword).
So there you have it. Each turn will only reveal a single harmless treachery card until, after placing your 95th token on The Black Gate, you raise your threat to 99 and lose.
Other quests
We can extend this basic concept to beat any quest in the game on turn 1. Simply add 3x Legacy of Númenor and 3x Deep Knowledge to each deck so that Valor is reached on the first planning phase. Endlessly recurring the card Ravens of the Mountain can get you any amount of progress you want. To kill an immune boss-type enemy you could give Glorfindel infinite stats with Gondorian Fire, Blood of Númenor, Lay of Nimrodel, readying with Unexpected Courage, immunity to shadow effects with A Burning Brand, etc.
Hahahahaha ha hahahahaha
I just can’t stop laughing.