Hobbits late for breakfast

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Derived from
Windfola Being Hasty 13 3 4 1.0
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Aurion 898

This deck was inspired by makoshark13's Windfola deck: http://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/9811/windfola-being-hasty-1.0 I loved the idea of using Windfola in conjunction with Don't Be Hasty! to make use of Merry's ability. Whilst I don't think Elevenses works with his ability as it has to be played after staging, it does also work well with Windfola. Then I got thinking more about Elevenses and how powerful a card it can be. With a swarm of hobbits, you could easily reduce your threat by 10+, so I started adding hobbits and found this stupidly powerful deck! I know it doesn't look much use when most of your allies don't have any attack power but when your threat is at 0, you don't need too much attack power as you can take on enemies one by one and just swarm them. Of course, Gandalf is there for a bit of back-up and For Gondor! will help to push through against those particularly nasty enemies. Don't believe me? These guys just took down all 4 of the trolls at the Carrock, finishing with a threat of 6. Admittedly, I did manage to draw 2 Banks of the Anduin, which helped me draw most of my deck but there is so much card draw available anyway, you will expect to draw through your deck. Will of the West keeps the good times rolling by getting the event cards and Gandalf back into the fray.


Sep 07, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

While Elevenses and Merry's ability specifically don't synergise, the following does. You can trigger Don't be Hasty, then Windfola, then Merry, and last Elevenses. You can chose the order because they are all responses (except Elevenses, but you play that later. Merry will still be committed).