Windfola Being Hasty

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hobbits late for breakfast 2 2 1 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

makoshark13 258

Windfola has two abilities. Nobody uses the second. That made me sad, so I built a deck designed around it. Normally, characters aren't removed from the quest by the encounter deck, but their are a couple of player cards that can do so.

  1. Don't Be Hasty! turns into a free ready event in lore. With Merry, when an enemy is revealed he readies, reduces threat, and commits back to the quest.
  2. With Elevenses Merry can be readied, reduces an additional threat, and commits back to the quest.

Piloting advice:

  1. Windfola goes on Merry
  2. Bilbo turns into the defender with A Burning Brand, all copies of Fast Hitch, Ent Draught, Friend of Friends, and Arwen Undómiel.
  3. This deck has a lot of card draw, so you'll likely get whatever you're looking for.
  4. Zigil Miner for resources.

Honestly, Bifur is probably a better fit than Ori, since by the time you have 5 dwarves you're pretty well set up, but I just like being able to draw three cards each turn. I've only played the deck against Nightmare JDtA so far, but it did pretty well, and it's a fun deck to play.


Sep 06, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Nice concept! I don't think I've ever seen someone put into effect before.

Sep 07, 2018 Benedikt 249

Great concept! I think if ally Mablung could be added, but I understand your choises.

Sep 07, 2018 MagicFlea 289

I was trying to figure out if the Merry trick works, and it seems that the rules make Windfalo not work at all. The FAQ says that card effects that would allow a character to quest, attack, or defend only work if the character is ready.

Sep 07, 2018 MagicFlea 289

Never mind I misread it. Works fine.