Spirit/Lore Core Set Deck

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Spirit/Lore Core Set Deck 2 0 6 2.0
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beatsmd 70

beatsmd has a newer deck inspired by this one: Spirit/Lore Core Set Deck

Comments and suggestions are much appreciated—I'm here to learn.

My comments below were informed by playing a couple times with this deck and discovering some of its shortcomings.

Built For: Journey Along the Anduin


Limitations: Core Set only

Heroes: I started with Éowyn because of her tremendous , then added Dúnhere, thinking that he could do some damage to Enemies in the staging area. Beravor, with her balanced abilities, is the sole hero.

Allies: I selected Allies I thought would be most useful without giving much thought to their cost and ended up including several costly options, including Gandalf, Northern Tracker, and Daughter of the Nimrodel. This turned out to be a big problem since I had trouble collecting enough resources to play many of these Allies, especially the Allies since only Beravor was earning resources.

Attachments: I included all the powerful Attachments in these spheres, including Forest Snare and Self Preservation, but (similar to the Allies) had trouble playing them. Unexpected Courage is a great choice that this deck does make use of since it's a Attachment, and two Heroes are earning resources.

Events: A Test of Will and Hasty Stroke are inexpensive ways to cancel the effects of cards coming off the Encounter deck. Several of the Events are potentially very useful, including Lore of Imladris and Lórien's Wealth, but can be difficult to play with this deck.


Sep 06, 2018 beatsmd 70

Played Against: Journey Along the Anduin on 2018-09-04, before getting some helpful advice on RingsDB.com. I lost (follow the link for details).