A good deal

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
A good deal 6 2 9 1.0
Inspiration for
A good deal 23 10 4 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Marcelf 1368

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: A good deal

Updates since V1 :

-2 The Hidden Way -2 Erebor Hammersmith -1 Fast Hitch

+1 Houses of Healing +1 Wandering Ent +1 Warden of Healing +2 Master of the Forge

The goal of this deck is to play Sword-thain for 0 cost thanks to Bartering. Bartering is played on Scroll of Isildur or Resourceful so it is a way to gain 3 ressources. With Sword-thain in play scrolls become free and Mithrandir's Advice makes you draw 4 cards. Which is a game-changer :D

Other ideas :

I tested this new version against The Withered Heath and won easily. Gettind rid of nasty treacheries thanks to Risk Some Light in early game and Firyal in late game is great.


Sep 04, 2018 Alonewolf87 2349

Nice deck, I might suggest Erebor Hammersmith (besides its great value as an ally in general) to get back some Scroll of Isildur from the discard pile to cycle more events.

Sep 04, 2018 Marcelf 1368

Thanks im glad you like the deck! I tried Erebor Hammersmith in the first version. My idea was to cycle The Hidden Way but it doesn't work because it is not an action. So now in this version Erebor Hammersmith would be less useful. I swapped them with Master of the Forge to get the combo more easily.

Sep 04, 2018 Marcelf 1368

I forgot to mention that Master of the Forge makes you shuffle your deck which is great with copies of Mithrandir's Advice that are on the bottom of deck because of Scroll of Isildur.