A good deal

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Derived from
Mono Lore for solo 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
A good deal 4 2 3 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Marcelf 1368

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: A good deal

The goal of this deck is to play Sword-thain for 0 cost thanks to Bartering. Bartering is played on Scroll of Isildur or Resourceful so it is a way to gain 3 ressources. With Sword-thain in play scrolls become free and Mithrandir's Advice makes you draw 4 cards. Which is a game-changer :D

Erebor Hammersmith is added to recycle the scrolls.

Other ideas :

I tested it against Escape from Umbar and won easily, but lost against Desert Crossing. It is not a powerful deck but the Scroll/Bartering/Sword-Thain combo is fun :D


Aug 21, 2018 The Broken Meeple 60

This looks like something worth pursuing. I wondered about the combination of Folco Boffin and Mirlonde to gain some seriously low level starting threat to put you in Secrecy for a long time.

I suppose my only fear is having only one copy of the uniques for Sword Thain, but then I guess you are drawing cards like crazy with those events in Lore. Certainly I feel maybe having 3 copies of The Hidden Way especially if this is to be used solo. Removing those enemies from the encounter deck is going to be key I feel given that defense is an issue until you get those lovely Ents out!

Aug 21, 2018 Marcelf 1368

Thanks for the comment! In the first version I played 3 copies of Ioreth to play Sword-thain asap, but I found it wasn't necessary. There are a lot of other unique allies more usefull than Ioreth here.

3 copies of The Hidden Way is an option. My opinion is that The Hidden Way is more a mid/late game card when you are set up. Time will tell!

Aug 21, 2018 The Broken Meeple 60

True and I guess you have 3 Scrolls anyway so you have some recursion. I'm looking up other Lore cards that might feature well as I want to look at this idea more, perhaps 1-2 Interrogation to go with those Ranger Spikes?

Aug 21, 2018 Cuherdir 1

Unfortunately, you cannot use the Scroll of Isildur to reuse Response Events like The Hidden Way

Aug 22, 2018 Marcelf 1368

@CuherdirThank you I thought it was an action! Why the hell is it a response ?! :D

So in this case Erebor Hammersmith is less usefull so i'll go -2 Erebor Hammersmith +1 The Hidden Way +1 Wandering Ent

Aug 22, 2018 ogseamus 1

I like the idea of this deck. And maybe will try it out someday. One thing I did notice is that RingsDB is not accounting for Falco's threat reduction like Mirlonde. So really this decks starting threat is 16 which is amazing.

Aug 22, 2018 The Broken Meeple 60

Yeah, the 16 threat was what drew me to look closer as I know the system doesn't work it out right. 4 turns in secrecy without having to discard Folco can be a big boon if you draw enough of the cards that benefit from it. And given the high card draw in Lore that's not an unrealistic assumption. Obviously avoiding enemies is paramount for the first few rounds and that low threat will avoid the vast majority of them while you get your Ent's up!

Aug 22, 2018 Marcelf 1368

@ogseamus``@The Broken Meeple Thanks! I dis try this 16 threat setup before, but I found it was lacking resource acceleration. Resourceful is good but not enough. Now with that Sword-thain trick the deck seems more viable.

Aug 22, 2018 Marcelf 1368

@ogseamus``@The Broken Meeple Thanks! I did try this 16 threat setup before, but I found it was lacking resource acceleration. Resourceful is good but not enough. Now with that Sword-thain trick the deck seems more viable.