5 wins vs attempts - Progressive Play #10

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matrosh 549

I decided to do little experiment and try how many attempts I will need to win 5 times with deck, also using progressive play, so only the cards, which were available at that time, when scenario was out. This is #10: The Massing at Osgiliath.

I decided to play the special stand alone scenarios after I'll finish Adventure cycles, however since the PoD mentioned here was release at september 2011, in the same month as Journey to Rhosgobel and The Hills of Emyn Muil, I limited the deck with Emyn Muil AP cards. The Massing at Osgiliath has really great immersive theme and when I first played it, I picked up much more war oriented deck, then this one with Gimli, Aragorn and Beravor and even though I won once, at the end I decided to go with this one, much more sneaky team, which was working much better. With this deck I was able to win 5 times in 24 attempts, which is even better number then The Escape from Dol Guldur progressive play.

Heroes and attachments:

Éowyn dedicated for questing, Celebrían's Stone, Steward of Gondor, both type of songs and Protector of Lórien are for her. Legolas is used only for attack, but sometimes is better to don't use him. To not progress too quickly. One Song of Kings for him. Denethor is dedicated defender. Dúnedain Warning, Protector of Lórien are for him to boost his and Unexpected Courage to make him able to use his ability as much as possible.


it's good to have Gléowine and Gildor Inglorion on the table asap. It will wide your hand options. Gandalf it's best to save for Witch-king, if you want to kill him.


Radagast's Cunning is the card of the game, save it for Witch-king. If you're not able to kill him, use it to sneak around him. Mustering the Rohirrim to find Gléowine asap.

Really action packed game, great time.


Sep 01, 2018 Goggen 113

Resource-management seems troublesome (you mention getting Gildor Inglorion out ASAP, but doesn't seem easy). It will off-course be better once Steward of Gondor and the songs hit the table, but that seems unreliable. Even after that it still looks like the Legolas is collecting resources that will be hard to use effiecently.

I'd concider dropping Legolas and the cards. Depending on wich way you wanna go you can pick Dúnhere as an alternative attacker, or if you think you can manage the threat-increase Glorfindel would perhaps be my favorite choice.

Another way to go is to add hero in stead of Legolas. That way you could also take out the Song of Kings. Here you have a number of high-threat 3 heroes or low-threat 2 heroes which could all work with the right support-cards replacing what you take out.

Protector of Lórien on Éowyn seems unneccesary given her natural ability, and that the deck hasn't got very high card-draw.

Sep 01, 2018 matrosh 549

You are quite right about the resources for Legolas, they are sometimes more then are needed, but with Song of Kings it works quite well for cards. But Dúnhere sounds as an interesting idea and will try it, Glorfindel could be tricky since the low threat allows me to deal with setup scouts in this scenario one by one. Boost of Éowyn works well here, cause from the start she is the only questing hero and since scenario don't allow you to travel to some locations, boost can be very helpful. However thanx for the comment :)