In the Shadows

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Shadows of the Wild
Derived from
In the Shadows 11 5 0 1.0
Inspiration for
In the Shadows 0 0 0 3.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Onidsen 1140

Onidsen has a newer deck inspired by this one: In the Shadows

This is an updated version of a thematic deck built around the side quest synergy between Dunedain and Hobbits, revised to fit in a fellowship with a mono-Spirit Hobbit deck featuring Merry, Frodo Baggins, and Pippin.

Theme: The theme of this deck is of Hobbits and some Ranger allies sneaking through the wilderness, avoiding all the enemies they can. Those enemies that they can't avoid, they take by surprise and destroy quickly.

Strategy: The goal of the deck is to remain beneath the engagement costs of most enemies, strategically engaging and destroying the ones most likely to cause problems. To accomplish this, the deck starts at an incredibly low threat of 21, and includes several effects that can temporarily increase the engagement cost of enemies.

Sam Gamgee is the core of the deck. He has impressive willpower, and should often be sent questing, but his primary purpose is to serve as a defender. The first Fast Hitch you get out should be played on him, and all of the defensive attachments are for his benefit. With several Dúnedain Warnings, a Hobbit Cloak, and a Staff of Lebethron, he can be defending for 5 or 6 while discarding a shadow card at the same time. If even more defense is required, Rosie Cotton can boost it even higher. She should be given the second Fast Hitch, so that she can contribute to the quest phase and the combat phase, as necessary, or so that she can boost Sam's defense against attacks made outside of the combat phase.

However, most of these boosts are dependent on fighting enemies whose engagement cost is higher than your threat. While the deck does include some threat control - Gandalf and Sneak Attack being the primary mode, along with Folco Boffin's one-shot ability - the most critical pieces to making sure that the bonuses trigger are Halbarad and Take No Notice. In addition, Robin Smallburrow can use resources from the other deck to trigger his ability, which can make a small but significant difference in this area.

Thurindir should fetch Gather Information (left in the sideboard to easily manage his ability when playing on OCTGN) with his ability during setup, and should use its response to fetch Send for Aid to clear on the second round, if possible.

The Ranger of Cardolan is proxying for Thalion, a unique Ranger ally from the spoiled Fire in the Night adventure pack. His ability to ready at the beginning of the combat phase if one side quest has been cleared, and to become a hero if 3 side quests are in the victory display, is an excellent boost to the deck. Send for Aid should preferentially put Halbarad into play, but Thalion is a good second pick if you can't find a copy of Halbarad in the top 10 cards. It should be noted that, if there are already 3 side quests in the victory display, Thalion can be brought into play via Sneak Attack, and will remain in play as a hero even past the end of the phase.

Questing: The deck provides very strong early-game willpower, so help clear side quests as quickly as possible, so that Thurindir, the Legacy Blades, and the Halfling Bounder can come online. The East Road Ranger is a valuable early game card for this purpose. After the side quests have been cleared, it becomes a useful combat ally instead, offering valuable aid throughout the entire quest.

Combat: As noted above, Sam Gamgee is the primary defender. With a boost from Arwen Undómiel from the other deck, he can defend the whole table with a few Fast Hitches.

For offensive power, either Folco Boffin or Thalion should receive the Legacy Blades. By the second or third turn of the game, they should provide an incredible offensive boost.

Further offensive power can be found from the East Road Rangers and Halbarad, and of course, one should never underestimate the combat potential of Gandalf.

The remainder of the deck offers card draw to get to the essential cards quickly and early, and a small dose of healing and encounter deck control.

An ideal opening hand includes a Fast Hitch and a copy of Peace, and Thought, so that you can draw 5 cards for the cost of a single hero action.

In addition to Thurindir's quest for the setup action, the sideboard includes The Long Defeat for quests which require more healing than the Imladris Caregivers can provide. It should replace one copy of Peace, and Thought and one copy of Deep Knowledge.

For campaign play, 3 copies of Frodo's Intuition should replace the 3 copies of Deep Knowledge, as the card draw is superior in every way, and the decks have little else to do with the resources.