Leaders of Men

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Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Leaders of Men 0 0 0 3.0
Inspiration for
Leaders of Men 0 0 0 5.0
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Alonewolf87 2356

Alonewolf87 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Leaders of Men

This is the Leadership deck for a 4 Mono-Sphere Decks Fellowship.

General Analysis

The main focuses of this deck are resource acceleration (for itself and the other players) and building up a Gondor ally swarm.

Théodred main role is as always playing the resource generation game, passing it usually to Denethor or Boromir (if it has Visionary Leadership attached) or to heroes controlled by other players depending on the needs of the moment.

Boromir is the main focus of the Gondor swarm across the table, providing boosts to attack and willpower. Quite often the target for the Heir of Mardil so he can receive the resource from Théodred and ready again while obtaining the resource needed to activate his ability and the Leadership.

Denethor is always great for his resource boost at the start and for the general resource smoothing all around during the game.

The allies are mainly the usual cheap Gondor allies, with some fun unique allies thrown in the mix.

Notable interactions with other decks:

Ceorl can be quite easily readied and sent where he is most needed, be it in front of an unexpected attacker or where his 2 attack can make a difference in a killing.

Since between the four decks there are a lot of Gondor allies Citadel Custodian is often quite cheap (if not outright free) to play

The Errand-rider can help distributing resources all around in addition to Denethor's ability. Also the Squire of the Citadel can give its dying resource to basically any of the others decks.

Denethor as at least one target for his ability in each of the other decks so he can pass around resources quite easily.

Steward of Gondor will most often end up on Lore, usually Elrond to give him the gondor trait and making him a good defender with A Burning Brand and Gondorian Shield

Cram is useful all around and can be reused with help from the Erebor Hammersmith

Armored Destrier is amazing with Beregond, but can also end up on Denethor

The Day's Rising will end up on Beregond, providing another source of resources for Tactis.

Dúnedain Remedy is a brilliant healing engine with Elrond on the table.

Hauberk of Mail is quite a good substitute for the Dúnedain Warning and works amazingly well on Beregond or Déorwine.

Visionary Leadership will strengthen the Gondor swarm (both heroes and allies) which is at the core of the fellowship, while Strength of Arms can quite easily turn around a game (providing even second uses of some allies like the Warden of Healing).

Steed of the North can go on Mablung, Damrod or Faramir depending on the needs of the moments.

Campfire Tales is awesome in 4 players game.

Wealth of Gondor has multiple targets across the table, while Gaining Strength can be used to accumulate a big pile on resources on Denethor to spread around the other decks.

Hold the Line can help a weak combat deck in a pinch or be used to get another reading for Beregond at the combat start.

Dawn Take You All can sometimes substitute for Shadows Give Wayand is in generale quite worth it since it often discards 3-4 shadow cards.

Send for Aid is usually a colossal help for the whole Fellowship and is usually quite easy to clear (as all the side quests we included) since we can normally quest quite well.