Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from | ||||
Doomed Strider | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2.0 |
Inspiration for | ||||
Forth, Thorongil! | 3 | 1 | 5 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Marcelf 1375
Here is the final version of the first Strider deck I'm happy with. Mulligan for Peace, and Thought. Do not play anything during the first round until the refresh phase to take advantage of Tighten Our Belts and Peace, and Thought. Then decide if you play all the doomed cards or if you prefer to stall. The deck is made to play almost all the doomed cards in the first refresh phase. The important thing is to remove the maximum of doomed cards of the deck before doing the reset. That's why I often like to get the copies of The Seeing-stone that remain in the deck with the copy that I have in hand. Turn 2 normally you have enough resources and cards in hand to set up. Steward of Gondor goes on Sam Gamgee because the expensive cards of the deck are . Once Strider in play you can discard Folco Boffin he did his job^^. Which allows to get to 18 of threat. Which means 10 turns or so before threating out because of Gandalf II.
Blow up the limit of 5 characters, so losing the 2 of Strider is not a problem at all here. With Sword that was Broken, Faramir and Rosie Cotton who can ready in the quest phase thanks to Narya and the second Fast Hitch on Rosie Cotton the deck can get more than 30 in quest. Even Ioreth sometimes quests at 3 :)
For the fight the deck is good very quickly : Exhaust Treebeard to defend, ready him with Narya, cancel a shadow card with Gandalf's Staff and hit by 13 with Gandalf, Treebeard and Aragorn, or more with Sam boosted by Rosie.
I find the deck very fun to play, with some characters we can do great things!
Some results (games won / games played) :
Journey Along Anduin 1/1
Return to Mirkwood 1/1
Into Ithilien 1/1
The Siege of Cair Andros 1/1
Steward's Fear 1/2
Druadan Forest 1/1
Assault on Osgiliath 1/1
The Blood of Gondor 1/2
The Morgul Vale 0/4
Fords of Isen 1/1
The Dunland Trap 1/1
The Three Trials 1/2
Trouble in Tharbad 1/1
The Nîn-in-Eilph 1/1
Celebrimbor's Secret 1/1
The Antlered Crown 1/2
Intruders in Chetwood 1/1
The Weather Hills 1/2
Deadmen's Dike 1/3
The Wastes of Eriador 1/1
Across the Ettenmoors 1/1
The Battle of Carn Dûm 1/1
The Dread Realm 1/2
Escape From Umbar 1/2
Desert Crossing 1/1
Under the Sands 1/1
The Black Serpent 1/2
The deck performed so much better than expected. I just don't manage to win The Morgul Vale. The deck is made to quickly win before threat explodes because of Gandalf II. But in The Morgul Vale i don't have enough time to kill the Nazgul. So sideboard is for killing quickly that Nazgul.