Doomed Strider

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Doomed Strider 3 1 3 2.0
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Marcelf 1375

Marcelf has a newer deck inspired by this one: Doomed Strider

I continue my decks based on the "Folcagorn" archetype and this time I try a Strider deck.

The doomed and the combo Tighten Our Belts + Peace, and Thought generate lots of draw and resources in the first refresh phase. Then Turn 2 Folco is discarded after using his resource and Strider takes over.

Gandalf and Treebeard boosted by Narya ensure the fight.

The first Fast Hitch is for Sam, and is very useful on Peace, and Thought.

Rosie with the last two Fast Hitch sends 4 and boosts Sam in combat phase.

For the healing I opted for The Long Defeat to not interfere too much with Strider. I'll see if it will be enough... Given the good stats of Gandalf and Sylvebarbe who defend at 5 and 4 with Narya we should avoid taking too much damage.

For now I just tested on journey along the anduin, won in 6 rounds.


As mentioned in the comments here are some modifications :

-3 The long defeat

-1 Shadowfax

+2 Ioreth

+1 Sword that was broken

+1 Faramir

Thanks Ryson and Wandalf the Gizzard^^

Edit 2 : The third Fast hitch proved not to be essential. I prefer to choose if i boost Sam in the quest or in the combat phase depending on the situation. So i replace one Fast hitch with Dunedain pipe to improve drawing in mid/late game.

-1 Fast Hitch

+1 Dunedain pipe

Results :

Journey along anduin 1/1

Beneath the sands 1/1

The Black Serpent 1/2


Apr 24, 2018 Ryson 212

In my additional testing, I found out that the event Flame of Anor had more value than Shadowfax.

You have so much readying available for other characters that Shadowfax is not a must.

Have you thought about the Aragorn-specific attachment ? CelebrĂ­an's Stone + Sword that was Broken will rise your willposer to the sky !

Please let me know the other result you do with this deck.

Apr 24, 2018 Marcelf 1375

Thanks for your advice Sword that was Broken will be great with Rosie Cotton and Fast Hitch! Its so good i didnt even think about it X)

Shadowfax was fun but i agree its a bit of a winmore card here. so i replace Shadowfax with Sword that was Broken. And now Steward of Gondor will be better on Sam.

I succeeded in Beneath the sands with this deck. Strider decks are kind of epic! i just managed to kill the spider boss with 16 damage in just one turn!

the only downside is im not really happy with The Long Defeat. its not good in the end of the game.

Anyway thanks for the feedback and lets keep playing Strider decks^^

Apr 25, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

The Long Defeat is good in a multiplayer support deck and in a side quest deck. That's about it, though.

Apr 25, 2018 Marcelf 1375

@Wandalf the Gizzardthat is so true! i was looking for a viable non-ally healing solution and i dont have access to Lembas. I find Athelas and Healing herbs even weaker here. I may unlock the 5 characters limit to play Ioreth. Without the 2 from Strider i may play Faramir ally to boost willpower. Faramir and Narya could be fun in the quest phase!

Apr 25, 2018 Ryson 212

Have you thought about DĂșnedain Remedy and Self Preservation ?

Apr 25, 2018 Marcelf 1375

@RysonYes but i find them too expensive in this deck. As Steward of Gondor is on Sam i only have one lore resource per turn in late game so i think Ioreth is the best here. the -2 downside wont be too bad in late game with Sword that was Broken.

Apr 25, 2018 Ryson 212

Crazy idea mode to preserve the whole strider effect: Sneak Attack + Elrond :)

Apr 25, 2018 Ryson 212

That makes me think. Have you thought about Galadriel to fetch your attachment? No Downside in willpower if you are above the 5 character since she quest at 3. And after she leaves you are at 5 again. In the same jump in jump out idea Saruman might worth consideration especially with Aragorn

Apr 25, 2018 Marcelf 1375

I think the 5 characters limit isnt really an issue. I calculated that i could send more than 30 once set up. Especially Faramir and Narya can do great things in the quest phase.

Galadriel and Elrond could still be good here, but i dont know what to take off. I need the 24 events to make the doomed steady in the first refresh phase.

Thats why i didnt think about cards like Saruman. I always make Aragorn's reset in the first refresh phase. On turn 2 Folco is discarded, the deck is set up and afterwards i cant play any doomed card because threat would become a big problem with Gandalf in play.