Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from |
None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for |
None yet. |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Seastan 45870
When developing the the Caldara 2.0 deck into a deck that could "rule them all", I realized how effective the following two aspects are when trying to go up against virtually any tough scenario:
- Low starting threat (<30)
- High hero willpower
It just seems that these two things get you halfway toward solving a lot of the encounters. It also speaks to the strength of Eowyn.
So I set out to test this theory by throwing a bunch of Ents together with some high willpower:threat cost ratio heroes. I deliberately avoided adding extra resource generating effects like Steward of Gondor. It's really hard to imagine anything in this deck receiving an errata at any time in the future that would limit its effectiveness.
The results surprised me. So far this has tackled:
- Nightmare The Steward's Fear
- Nightmare Wastes of Eriador
- Siege of Annuminas
- Race Across Harad
All on the first attempt.
The deck is still in flux at this point. If you take it against a nightmare quest and it fails, I'd love to know so I can keep tweaking it.
Feb 19, 2018 |
Feb 19, 2018Some sideboards suggestions: For scenarios where you get a lot of enemies at the same time, Pippin + the Dam Bursts seems better than Bifur. For extra healing, Spare Hood and Cloak + Wellinghall Preserver is gold. |
Feb 20, 2018I'm curious about a couple of your choices here. One, just how good do you find Beechbone to be? In what situations have you found his ability useful? Two, what do you find yourself reaching for with Heed the Dream most often? My initial instinct is that Silver Harp would be more helpful in the long run, but perhaps HtD gets you started faster? Do you find yourself hurting for card draw later in games or doing just fine? |
Feb 20, 2018Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Silver Harp is great in a Cirdan deck, but I find that there's enough card draw here already that I'm not starved for cards. I have an easier time tossing cards away thanks to my heavy use of Erestor.
Feb 22, 2018Have you put this up against Mount Doom? |
If you are looking for more rule-them-all Ent decks, this one by 13nrv has an impressive log of victories: