Questlogs using this decklist | |
None. |
Fellowships using this decklist | |
None. |
Derived from | ||||
Ent ! | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1.0 |
Inspiration for | ||||
Doomed Ents | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1.0 |
Traptics | 14 | 9 | 3 | 1.0 |
Tri ENT Deck for Druadan Forest | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
13nrv 4630
It's an Ent deck like title said :D Sideboard are only for multiplayer games.
The major issue with Ent is the first two turn because they enter in play exhausted. I have choose the hero in order to handle the first turns and put in play Ent as quickly as possible.
I need hero which can quest correctly (7 with Elrond + Éowyn), defend (Denethor) and kill an ennemy (Éowyn's capacity) and all this in the first turn.
Denethor allow to play Steward of Gondor on Elrond easily and then give his resource to Elrond if needed. Elrond capacity for ally allow to play any Ent quickly.
After the first turn, first Ent become available and they handle the quest.
This deck is very simple to use and efficient.
Resources :
Steward of Gondor on Elrond + Treebeard allow to play any Ent very quickly.
Draw machine :
- The deck have 24 ent cards. So Entmoot is very efficient with 2-3 Ent card per Entmoot
- Daeron's Runes
- Gléowine
- Legolas
- Gandalf
We need to continously draw. Ent ally are cheap and we produce a lot of ressources. It's why i have include Gléowine and Legolas.
Threat :
This is a flaw in the deck. We have only Gandalf (with Sneak Attack). I mainly use Gandalf for threat reduction. Firyal help us also by avoiding cards which increase threat.
Cancel and Encounter control :
We don't play so no when reveal effect cancellation available. It's why, i have put two Firyal in the deck. We can avoid GO effect with this ally (like The master's Malice). Ent are resilient so they can handle heavy damage effect then we use heal (enhanced by Elrond). For Shadow effect, we have strong defender (like Derndingle Warrior, Denethor or Treebeard) which can handle heavy attack and so strong shadow attack boost effect. But we can also use Henamarth Riversong for scrying shadow effect and then decide the best defender or use Feint to avoid destructive shadow effect. In late Game, Denethor became an insane defender with Gondorian Shield, Ent Draught and Armored Destrier coupled with heavy heal from Warden of Healing + Elrond.
Some tricks :
- Beechbone + Ent Draught could be insane.
- Éowyn's capacity has been used for battle questing (like Into Ithilien Nightmare or Battle of Carn Dum Nightmare).
Some results :
- Passage Through Mirkwood Nigthmare 1/1
- Journey along the Anduin Nightmare 1/1
- Hunt for Gollum Nightmare 1/2
- Conflict at carrock Nightmare 1/1
- Emyn Muil Nightmare 1/1
- The Dead Marshes Nightmare 1/1
- Return to Mirkwood NightMare 1/2
- Into the pit Nightmare 1/1
- The seventh level Nightmare 1/1
- Flight from Moria Nightmare 1/1
- Redhorn gate Nightmare 1/1
- Road to Rivendell Nightmare 1/1
- Watcher in the water Nightamre 1/1
- Foundation of Stones Nightmare 1/1
- The shadow and the flame Nightmare 1/2
- Peril in Pelargir Nightmare 1/1
- Into Ithilien Nightmare 1/1
- Siege of Cair Andros Nightmare 1/1
- The steward fear Nightmare 1/2
- Encounter at Amon Din Nightmare 1/3
- Assault on Osgiliath Nightmare 1/1
- The Blood of Gondor Nightmare 1/2
- The Morgul Vale Nightmare 1/5
- Ford of Isen Nightmare 1/1
- To catch an orc Nightmare 1/1
- Dunland trap Nightmare 1/1
- The Three Trials Nightmare 1/4
- The Nin In Eilph Nightmare 1/3
- The Celebrimbor's secret Nightmare 1/2
- The Antlered crown Nightmare 1/1
- Intruders in Chetwood Nightmare 1/1
- The weather hills Nightmare 1/1
- The deadman dikes Nightmare 1/4
- The waste of Eriador Nightmare 1/2
- The ettenmoor Nightmare 1/1
- The Treachery of Rhudaur Nightmare 1/2
- The battle of Carn Dum Nightmare 1/2
- The dread realm Nightmare 1/1
- Voyage across the Belegaer Nightmare 1/1
- The Fate of Numenor Nightmare 1/1
- Raid on Grey Havens Nightmare 2/4
- Flight from Stormcaller Nightmare 1/2
- The things into the depth Nightmare 1/1
- Temple of deceived Nightmare 1/1
- The drowned ruins 1/1
- A storm on Cobas Heaven 1/1
- The city of corsair 1/1
- Escape from Umbar 1/1
- Desert Crossing 1/1
- The long arm of Mordor 1/1
- The Mumakil 1/1
- Race across Harad 1/1
- Beneath the sands 1/1
- The black serpent 1/1
- The dungeon of cirith gurat 1/2
- Assault on Dol Guldur 1/1
- Ruin of Belegost 1/3
- Massing at Osgiliath 1/1
- Siege of Anuminas 1/1
Feb 19, 2018 |
Feb 19, 2018Looks beastly! |
Feb 20, 2018
| Road to Rivendell Nightmare 1/1 Did you get lucky and avoid Sleeping Sentry on this attempt, or did you have some sort of strategy to avoid it? |
Feb 22, 2018I was wondering about the result log and win consistency against quests such as Flight From Moria Nightmare (for which you list 1/1). Such quests seem to me pretty random to me. |
Jun 25, 2018You mentioned that "Beechbone + Ent Draught could be insane." but Beechbone says "Cannot have attachments", so how do you use that combo? |
Jun 25, 2018
Jun 25, 2018
Impressive as always 13nrv! I applaud the lack of .