Tri ENT Deck for Druadan Forest

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Derived from
Ent ! 56 45 7 2.0
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

hawkeye007 29

The deck that inspired this one relied totally on the Steward of Gondor ending up with Elrond. If you get an unlucky draw Denethor has no way to move his resource to Elrond and because Steward of Gondor, Sneak Attack and Treebeard are the only cards Denethor can pay for you could very well end up with a pile of resources on Denethor and no way to spend them. So I removed Éowyn and added Hirgon. Hirgon's Gondor trait provides a decent hedge against bad luck. I could see Mablung being used instead of Hirgon.

The deck is designed with the Druadan Forest scenario in mind. Ents, with their high hit point totals, are perfect targets for all the archery effects in that scenario. Because wounds can start piling up rather quickly I added additional healing. Horn of Gondor was added as well to help with the annoying Prowl Keyword.

The deck is pretty straightforward. You want to mulligan for Steward of Gondor and hopefully have an Ent or two in your hand. It's red alert time if a hero is down to 1 HP. Lots of encounter cards that can finish a hero off who is down to 1 HP.