A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Arise! Arise, Riders of Théoden!
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
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RedSpiderr 2382

This deck is designed to be played in conjunction with the "Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!" and "Spear shall be shaken, Shield shall be splintered!" decks. The purpose of this deck is to support the other two while they bear the brunt of their tasks. Elfhelm is the poster-boy for this deck, as he boosts every hero in the Fellowship with a mount, and there are enough of them across the decks so that each hero could get one, including a Sword-thained Legolas. Prepare for Battle, Send for Aid and Gléowine help with card and resource acceleration across the board, while Song of Kings and Song of Battle help resource smoothing. Steward of Gondor is for the "Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!" deck, so all three have some form of active resource acceleration.

Every turn, Éowyn and Théodred both quest for a total 5, but try and get Celebrían's Stone and Steed of the Mark on Théodred as soon as possible to maximize his abilities. Celebrían's Stone is for Théodred and not Éowyn because she needs Windfola and either Herugrim or Golden Shield to make the most of her. As already mentioned, Heir of Mardil should be placed on Éomer, allowing him to be readied by Théodred and Horn of Gondor, but with Diligent Noble this combo can be set up on any hero. The Armored Destriers should go on Erkenbrand and Elfhelm to pull double duty as both attackers and defenders. Add Dunedain signals to taste.

Captains of the West works as an alternate to We Do Not Sleep. It doesn't allow as many characters to quest, but provides a +1 boost and is much easier to pay for with Théodred's ability. There are 4 default heroes in the Fellowship with the Noble trait; Théoden, Théodred, Éomer and Éowyn, all of whom benefit from this event, though the latter two less so. Diligent Noble helps boost the power of Captains of the West, and provides card draw.

Could this deck be any better for its role in the Fellowship "Arise! Arise, riders of Théoden!"? Let me know what you think below.