Hobbitsy Trickses

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medouneu 22

This is a Hobbit/Secrecy deck that works well solo - at least, it did for the first half of the Fellowship Saga, before I decided to pair it with a mono-Lore Ranger deck for variety during the second half. The only non-Hobbits are Secrecy allies, plus Gandalf to save that fool of a Took in an emergency.

It starts at 20 threat, and ideally, you can keep it under 20 the entire game, using (among others) Merry, Elevenses, and Smoke Rings. In practice, though, I usually had a couple rounds without Secrecy. Low threat is also important for recycling the "if your threat is under 20" Event cards and for being able to trigger the Responses of Pippin, Sam Gamgee, and Staff of Lebethron.

Use all that event-based threat reduction in conjunction with Hobbit Pipe to get strong card draw, along with Pippin's contribution. I frequently got through the entire deck before game end.

Play Hobbitsy trickses by committing your Hobbit army to questing, using Elevenses to uncommit several to reduce threat, and then use Hobbit Pony to recommit your Hobbit heroes. Most attachments should wind up on Sam, particularly Songs (in order to take advantage of Fireside Song - even more than one Song of Travel if Pippin can't put it to good use).

Try to avoid engaging enemies you won't be able to kill the same round. Fast Hitch on Sam allows him to quest, defend, and attack all in one round, although it can also allow Merry to commit to the quest and then immediately ready if you also need his threat reduction.


Jan 26, 2018 WingfootRanger 2739

I've looked at your deck, since you asked me for suggestions on how to prime it for multiplayer. As I give this critique, I only intend to be helpful and don't mean to come across as harsh.

From what I can see, it has the makings of a great pipe deck, but suffers from suffers from some lack of focus in certain areas. Starting with the good, the scrying you have included in this deck would be helpful in multiplayer, I would even advocate adding more copies of Risk Some Light. This deck also seems to have plenty of means of reducing its own threat, which is a necessity in a pipe deck. Free to Choose is worth considering here as an additional option, or at least as a sideboard card, since threat gain is commonly present in some form in many quests.

Now for my first suggestion. I don't think you have near enough songs in this deck to take advantage of Fireside Song. It is definitely worth it in song decks with 15+ songs and Love of Tales to profit from it, but your deck strikes me more as a pipe deck than a song deck. With only 6 songs in total in your deck, at best you are expending 6 deck slots for 6 . You would get more for your buck if you swapped those out for some allies with 2 . Galadriel's Handmaiden comes to mind.

Running single copies of Courage Awakened, Swift and Silent, and Noiseless Movement may not be best idea since creates some inconsistency in the deck. Of course they are helpful, but Noiseless Movement is the better one, even in multiplayer. Swift and Silent should be less necessary when you have access to Fast Hitch and other players will handle combat for you anyway. Courage Awakened really only outweighs getting from allies if it is free due to Leaf Brooch, but using allies instead is usually better than temporary and it doesn't tie up your use of Leaf Brooch. Noiseless Movement however, can help the rest of the table cope with a flood of enemies while also saving you from a stray enemy of course, so I would emphasize it over the other two events.

I'm also not sure what Spare Hood and Cloak has to offer over other options for your deck. Why not cut that single copy for more space for other cards that help you quest or do the pipe thing? More allies, card draw, or threat reduction would be more optimal I think. In fact, Heed the Dream and The Long Defeat would be great cards to include, and they have the added bonus of being amazing in multiplayer. In my experience, pipe decks want to gorge themselves on card draw anyways. The faster they get all their pipes out, the sooner they draw the rest of their deck, which means more Resourceful sooner so you can play more cards on average.

Another valid consideration is A Test of Will. Multiplayer games see more encounter card reveals than solo, which means more nasty treacheries. Being able to stop some of them will greatly help out your team. So there is little reason to not make room for 3 copies of it if you can.

Lastly, while Rally the West can be a nice card in multiplayer games, I believe Send for Aid is a better fit here. In an unkown multiplayer environment, you don't know how many heroes will be questing in total, so the impact of Rally the West is a bit unpredictable. Also consider the fact that there will be less questing heroes in 2 or 3 player games as opposed to 4 player games. On the other hand, Send for Aid helps everyone fetch an ally out of their deck and put into play, basically placing that player one round ahead just about. It also scales favorably no matter what the player count is and few decks carry little to no allies.

Jan 27, 2018 medouneu 22

Some great suggestions here - thank you! I feel like if I used this deck as is in multiplayer, I would be largely sitting around, keeping my own party safe while watching everyone else fight to the death. "Well, everyone else is dead, but at least we got down to 0 threat!"

I'll make some changes in the coming days and republish.

Jan 27, 2018 WingfootRanger 2739

There is nothing wrong with a deck that primarily focuses on questing, but oftentimes the best questing decks also can provide benefits to other players. For example, I have a mono-spirit questing deck that can also grant other players healing or threat reduction while also recurring A Test of Will. So there are ways to interact with other players while doing the more "passive" role of questing. You can find that deck here: ringsdb.com

I can't believe I forgot this, but have you looked at Old Toby? It is another card draw option that tends to work in pipe decks.