Escape from Dol Guldur - core set solo

Questlogs using this decklist
Into the Pit - 1 Player - 2019-08-17
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2019-08-17
The Hunt for Gollum - 1 Player - 2019-08-17
Conflict at the Carrock - 1 Player - 2019-08-18
Escape from Dol Guldur - 1 Player - 2020-04-07
Escape from Dol Guldur - Easy - 1 Player - 2020-04-07
Fellowships using this decklist
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matrosh 552

As was mentioned a lot of times, win against Escape From Dol Guldur scenario in solo game only with core set cards is nearly impossible, or you'll need a lot of luck. A lot. However this deck done it for me. Several times. So lets take a look on it :)

Basically, beside the luck needed during set up, you'll need Legolas to be the prisoner, it won't work any other way. Also don't rush and use only the cards, which you need to use. For me, it can be even 10 or 11 rounds of the game, to make sure, that in the moment I free him, the Nazgul is going to be alone in staging area and my threat is somewhere around 26 points. Use all the cards you need to and keep Dwarven Tomb and Will of the West until you need get back used cards to deck and get back Will of the West. At the start, all and goes out to boost Éowyn, Stand and Fight can bring them on the table if needed. Beside the usual cards, which is good to have at starting hand like Gandalf, Sneak Attack or Steward of Gondor, there is also good to get Henamarth Riversong on the table asap, he is game-changer, or Unexpected Courage which can help you survive conditions, if don't have Miner of the Iron Hills in hand. Northern Tracker will solve locations, as well as Snowbourn Scout. And also Gléowine used only for his special action. Also use Gléowine and Henamarth Riversong as a last action, before starting new round, this way you'll avoid of getting them killed by treachery.

Attachments: Celebrían's Stone, Steward of Gondor, The Favor of the Lady always goes on Éowyn, same as Gandalf's Map target card. Unexpected Courage is for Glóin, because he is the one, who deals with conditions. If you're lucky and get Daughter of the Nimrodel on the table soon, using her action only at the end of the round for Glóin, your resources will be doubled. Horn of Gondor is for Legolas as welcome gift to accelerate him little bit, but attachments usually do few circles from grave to deck and back.

When it comes to the other two target cards, I usually don't take them until I kill Nazgul, if this happen, the rest is a piece of cake.

few small things: Brok Ironfist is used only as round backup, when Glóin gets killed and when this happen, make sure, you got Fortune or Fate in hand and enough resources, otherwise you can start again. Beorn is great with Sneak Attack too, but no good for starting hand.

Last game took 15 rounds with final score 178 points.


Jan 22, 2018 curiousboss 64

There are no Lore resources in your deck, how do you pay for the Lore cards ?

Jan 22, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

Discard them with Eowyn, put them into play with Stand and Fight. I also like to do that with Beorn.

Jan 23, 2018 GoblinKing 137

I think this deck is fantastic. I'm always looking for new takes on core decks as a basis for a minimum purchase deck. The card mix is such that it seems you can actually use Eowyn's ability almost every turn. For that reason, I bump up Daughter to 2x. Great work!

Mar 01, 2018 pd187540 42

@GoblinKingif you bump up Daughter to 2X, do you remove a card to bring it back down to 50 total cards? If so, which one do you take out?

Mar 03, 2018 pd187540 42

Your deck absolutely SUCKS for this scenario. Forget about playing this on Standard mode. It's a MUST to play it on Easy, but even with that setting, it's hard to beat this. I only like to play 3 games per scenario, and if I can't beat it, the deck is considered faulty and I move on to another deck on here. I could not beat this scenario on Easy mode 3 times, and therefore, I do not recommend this deck to anybody. A scathing email is going out to FFG, reprimanding them for including such a hard scenario right away in the core set. This definitely stops people from playing the game and buying future expansions. In fact, this scenario is a cash grab for FFG because it plants a seed in people's heads to go buy the future expansions in an attempt to have better cards to beat this scenario. Really messed up.

Mar 03, 2018 matrosh 552

@pd187540rolf. somebody just lost the temper in here. well, if deck worked for me, it doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. However if you'll came up with perfect deck in 3 attempts, pls share, I would like to try it. Good luck with your mail, the core set is out since 2011 and people still playing the game.

Mar 03, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

Dude, if you are having trouble beating this scenario (I think everyone does, but still) but get mad about it and insult somebody over it, you need to chill. Maybe go play Passage through Mirkwood or another card game. Glaurung on the FFG forums often complains that the game is to easy, so don't get all riled up over this. If the game is too hard, it's not like anyone is forcing you to play.