Book Club Episode 56: Helm's Deep

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Thematic "Helm's Deep" - Pure Rohan 2 1 0 1.0
Santa Theoden nos regala la victoria 1.0 2 1 1 1.0
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Beorn 13918

Helm! Helm! the Riders shouted. Helm is arisen and comes back to war. Helm for Théoden King!

This is a thematic deck for the upcoming Book Club, Episode 56 of The Grey Company Podcast. It represents the epic battle of The Hornburg (aka Helm's Deep). Saruman has sent his entire host (at least 10,000 orcs) against the assembled Rohirrim (maybe 2,000 strong). The defenders desperately try to hold back the tide behind the walls of their great and ancient fortification. Various cards here represent the siege which brought about the downfall of Saruman, the first great battle in The War of the Ring.

Look for a side quest in the opening hand, along with a spirit ally to help with questing. In addition to enabling our three copies of Rider of Rohan to quest and attack, the side quests help shore up our weak spots. Prepare for Battle gives us more consistent card draw, along with Gúthwinë, which helps us rally our fallen comrades from the discard pile. Rally the West is useful as well as thematic, and not only boosts our questing efforts but makes Théoden more powerful with Herugrim.

Send for Aid and Sneak Attack represent the critical turning of the tide, when Gandalf returns with Erkenbrand to catch the assaulting Orcs in between hammer and anvil. Without Herugrim or at least one Rider of Rohan, the deck can sometimes lack in attack-strength. This can be especially true in quests with tough enemies, as Éomer may be unable to break through their defenses. This is where Helm! Helm! is the perfect compliment, both for theme and strategy. Engage a formidable enemy, let Erkenbrand defend, then graciously allow Snowbourn Scout to fulfill his destiny. You can use Gamling or Gúthwinë, later, to bring back which ever ally you discarded to pay for Helm! Helm!


Jan 14, 2018 Beorn 13918

Astute listener, Benedikt points out that Terrible to Behold is another great fit for this deck, for theme and strategy (since Éomer can attack that enemy in the staging area during the next quest phase).

Jan 15, 2018 Beorn 13918

I somehow omitted The Storm Comes from the original list. This side quest is the perfect solution to the predominance of Spirit allies in this deck. It is also a thematic reference to when Gandalf first convinces Théoden that decisive action is necessary, in order to save the Rohirrim.