Lords of the Mark

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Odsidian22 258

This is my first, true Rohan deck. I had wanted to build one for the longest time but lacked the card pool. It works well in both solo and multiplayer though I'd mulligan for Snowmane, West Road Traveller, or any other good questing ally on turn one.

I had been wanting to dust off ole Théodred. He has not seen much table time since playing out of the Core Set alone. Between him and his father, Théoden it's very resource efficient deck.

There's typical in and out Rohan synergy here with the most important being, Getting Gamling + Escort from Edoras out early. I have 3x Mustering the Rohirrim to fetch Gamling. With there two out you gain a 1 resource a turn upkeep for +4 to the quest and +2 for Éomer.

I think Gamling wins here over Gúthwinë because Eomer needs the restricted slots for Firefoot and Rohan Warhorse. With the Gamling+Escort+Firefoot out he is swinging for a respectable 7 , destroying two lower enemies in one attack with another attack to spare.

Théoden obviously gets Snowmane and should get the spare resource from Théodred every turn. He is the target for Golden Shield and a Spear of the Mark. The spear is less for attack and more for triggering Sterner than Steel. If you haven't drawn the cards yet, the King of Chumps, Snowbourn Scout is there.

I sacrificed a little bit of theme including Celebrían's Stone, but it helps Theodred poor willpower, Sneak Attack+Gandalf is your threat control. Add a Valiant Sacrifice and for 2 you get -5 and 2 cards,

I'm still debating Helm! Helm! vs Feint or even Desperate Defense. Its not the must efficient removal, pitching a Westfold Horse-breeder to drop a Cave Troll was the best use I got out of it.


Dec 18, 2017 Onidsen 1134

I like it, though I worry about the low number of copies of the attachments. And only having one copy of Gamling. If you are primarily using Théoden for defense, have you thought of using Gondorian Shield instead of Spear of the Mark? Still available to exhaust for Sterner than Steel and boosts defense while you're at it.

How has Háma worked out for you? If it's just an incidental benefit, it might be worth getting a second copy of Gamling instead.

Dec 18, 2017 Odsidian22 258

I'm not above swapping Hama out for another Gamling. I'm also thinking thinking of picking up Mountain of Fire to remove Warhorse and Gamling for Guthwine.

Currently, I've had no problem drawing into a mount, Mustering the Rohirrim, or Westfold Horse-breeder early in game. I consider Snowmane the important one to draw first.

I had not considered Gondorian Shield. Didn't even cross my mind. I can see how it would be more consistent because the buff is passive.

Dec 20, 2017 chknfngers 90

I really appreciated this deck, mostly because I had most of the required cards and had been trying to figure out how to tackle Helm's Deep in the Saga campaign and feel this deck was very thematic. I added Aragorn and Banner of Elendil for the Fellowship Sphere and Power of Orthanc to deal with some burdens earned during my Saga. I also added Roheryn and Gúthwinë and an extra Song of Travel and got rid of the singles of unique allies you had. The only other change I'd like to make if I had the card would be to put in Elfhelm instead of Théodred since I'd have several mounts that would benefit.

Dec 20, 2017 The BGamerJoe 5149

Fun deck! I played a couple games with it and wrote up my experiences on this blog: lotrdecktest.wordpress.com

Thanks for posting it!

Dec 20, 2017 Odsidian22 258

Thank you for the feature and the suggestions. I am still putting trough a few quest myself. I have not been playing the game very long so my card pool is still limited ot I would have added Gúthwinë. I had the opposite experience where I was barely added of my resources. Háma has been dropped for another Gamling.

Can you post your revised list?

Dec 20, 2017 chknfngers 90

Yeah here it is! ringsdb.com