Hobbit Fireside Song

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SecondhandTook 587


A janky, little Hobbit deck I made when a Song of Hope and Fireside Song were both present in the card pool.

This deck was also heavily inspired by TheChad's Finest Weed in the Southfarthing deck, which was primarily focused on pipe shenanigans in conjunction with Hero Gandalf on the table. This deck, funny enough, also took some inspiration from TheChad's other deck, Hobbits doing hobbitesque stuff.

As you may be able to guess... I love hobbits. I've cosplayed as Merry at comic-con, got my copy of Sam Gamgee signed by Sean Astin himself, and am just a big fan of their message in the world of Tolkien. I tell you ALL OF THIS with the disclaimer that this deck was built mostly for fun, with power level falling somewhere on it's way towards the back-burner.

Anyway, let's dig a bit, shall we?

Opening Hand and Mulligans

Admittedly, the cards in this deck are a bit all over the place. On the one hand, and the hand I'm asking you to take notice of, dear reader, is that you can mulligan for whatever might help you in the current quest.

Need an early defender? Then make sure you have a copy of Hobbit Cloak in-hand so Sam Gamgee can be the all-star hobbit he's supposed to be.

What about questing? Try and get Fireside Song, Strider, or Song of Hope. I personally prefer Strider as this deck will rarely go over the 5 hero threshold, guaranteeing a cheap and easy 2 willpower for whoever you wish to commit to the quest.


The overall goal for this deck is to just quest. Ideally, with the songs and pipes in full swing you'll be able to maximize on cards such as Fireside Song and Smoke Rings. Bilbo Baggins is included to thin the deck out a bit as well as pull your Hobbit pipes, hopefully leading you into some card draw as well. Gandalf and Treebeard make an appearance simply because they are well rounded allies and their Neutral "sphere" is a welcome sigh in a tri-sphere deck.


This deck isn't for everyone. It may not be for you. But it's my deck, and I enjoy bringing it to table from time to time. When paired with a combat-focused build, this deck is able to buy some time to grow it's presence and can have some surprisingly strong questing turns.