Dude, You Sure that was Pipeweed?

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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hobbit Fireside Song 2 2 0 1.0
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WingfootRanger 2729

With Old Toby, pipe decks are now quite workable and fun in their own way as well! This deck uses Hobbit heroes to start in secrecy so as to play Resourceful and uses Bilbo Baggins and Word of Command to fetch more pipes or more Resourcefuls in the case of Word of Command. The Hobbit Pipes are a good source of card draw when they are in play, and we have several ways to fetch them. Between resource acceleration and drawing cards like mad, the encounter deck can only put up with so much!

On the first turn, being able to play Resourceful on one of the Hobbits will help a great deal with affording cards later since the more expensive cards in the deck are . The next Resourceful should probably go on the other hero unless your hand is full of cards, then it might be good to give it to Pippin. After that there are choices, Merry can be left ready to reduce our threat when enemies show up and our other Hobbits can be exhausted to play Peace, and Thought and perhaps readied by Fast Hitch, or they can all be sent to the quest of course. Play any pipes you draw, fetching them with Bilbo Baggins or Word of Command. Once 2 or more Hobbit Pipes are in play, those threat reducing events become great card draw. With all the Hobbit pipes and the Wizard pipe on Gandalf one could easily draw 3-4 cards in the planning phase.

It's up to you if you want to keep Gandalf around or let him go to prolong secrecy levels of threat. There will be plenty of options available after drawing a crazy amount of cards, and with help from prior Resourcefuls we should be able to levy a strong questing swarm. Avoiding enemies is easier with low threat, but if someone else has a combat deck with ranged and sentinel, an optional engagement would trigger Pippin's card draw ability.

This deck succeeds at being a questing deck, but it needs a combat deck as a partner to handle the enemies. Sometime around the mid-game, if you have the pipes in play, the deck will absolutely blossom and you might draw you whole deck before the end of the game. Stay in the Shire a while and enjoy the Hobbit smoking deck!


Jul 22, 2017 Seastan 45864

I would've thought Good Meal would've made your list here since Old Toby and Smoke Rings both cost 2.

Jul 23, 2017 WingfootRanger 2729

@SeastanI see why you say that, yet in my plays of this deck so far I haven't felt the need. The cost of the lore cards is well below that of the spirit cards anyway.

Jul 23, 2017 emorlecallor 1284

How come there are three copies of Word of Command and only two OHaUH Gandalfs? It seems inconsistent, since you are more likely to see the Word before you see the wizard.

Jul 23, 2017 WingfootRanger 2729

@emorlecallor These days I'm usually including only 2 copies of unique allies to avoid having a hand clogged with uniques. It is likely to see Word of Command show up before Gandalf, but the deck tends to get enough draw power to get what it needs. I can't usually afford Gandalf very early in the game, but by the mid-game I often have him out. There are of course games where I drew all my pipes in timely fashion before his arrival as well.

Jul 23, 2017 WingfootRanger 2729

@emorlecallor It might not hurt to have a third copy of Gandalf though, since I probably don't need 2 copies of SĂșlien unless I'm in a 3-4 player game.

Jul 24, 2017 donkler 66

If you are playing events every round and staying in secrecy, Leaf Brooch might be a good bet as well. It would essentially give you the same income as Resourceful, but you can also use it the turn it comes into play.

Jul 24, 2017 WingfootRanger 2729

@donklerThanks, that it is good food for thought. Thing is, between threat increase from whatever scenario I'm doing, Gandalf and occasionally Frodo Baggins, I find that I don't stay in secrecy consistently every game. Thus I stick with Resourceful, which continues to work when I am no longer in secrecy. If this were built to be primarily a secrecy deck, I would give Leaf Brooch a closer look I think.

Jul 27, 2017 SecondhandTook 587

I've been wanting to do a Hobbit/Pipe deck and this might be the direction I go down. I think I might want to try and include a few song cards but we'll see. I'll let you know how my playtesting goes. Thanks for sharing this!

Jul 28, 2017 WingfootRanger 2729

@SecondhandTook Thanks! I'm always happy to contribute a shell. I look forward to seeing your pipe deck.

Well crew, I tried the deck out after swapping out a SĂșlien for another Gandalf and removing Dwarven Tomb for Good Meal. I'm only goldfishing it at this point, but the deck seems to work slightly better.