Discount Middle Earth

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Discount Middle Earth 3 2 0 2.0
Bring Forth the Horsemen (Cheaply, please) 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Discard Pile

Durins_Father 3268

Durins_Father has a newer deck inspired by this one: Discount Middle Earth

Do you like to play allies, but don't pay full price for them? Good news, you don't have to with this deck.

Stacking cost reduction is a great tool in this game to get your cards into play quicker. And with the introduction of Hirgon, this gets even better.

For those of you not familiar with the combo, the deck mostly focusses on getting high-cost Rohan allies into play for next to nothing. This is done by having Hirgon quest successfully alongside a Mounted Théoden. This will allow you to play a ally from your hand with a reduced cost of 1. Then you can apply the Doomed effect from Gríma which lowers it by 2 and provides a resource with Keys of Orthanc. Put the keys on Hirgon for this to work (or have The Storm Comes in the VD). This resource can be spend for a reduction of 3 for any ally. If that ally is from the Horse nation of Rohan, Théoden reduces the cost to a potential 0 cost for allies like Déorwine and the new Elfhelm. If you lack any of the reductors, even expensive cards like Horseback Archer and Westfold Outrider become affordable. Guthlaf is already discounted by 1 since you control a Rohan hero, he is also Sentinel thanks to Hirgon being Gondor traited. For the cards, I opted to include some carddraw (Gléowine gets discounted from Théoden) and adding the Master of Lore for discounts on Ents. Envoy of Pelargir gives you a resource back after you play her, and Bofur can also be cheated into play if you quest unsuccessfully. He is also a good countermeasure to boost your in case you would lose the quest by a few points. Attachments mostly go onto Théoden to help you out in case you don't get an ally out. The Red Arrow adds more people to the party.

I don't think the deck is at full potential yet, but it is nice to save resources this way in case you need them for Assault on Osgiliath, Treachery of Rhudaur and other quests which ask that you place resources on cards. It is also a nice counter to Druadan Forest, as you can discount your cards so that you can't get prowled as much. I added some Healing to counter the Archery from that quest. Feel free to expand on this idea of a Discount Deck


Oct 19, 2017 GamgeeGardens 9

If you want some advice for this promising business:

  • Grimbold is an absolute steal when bought for the price of a Feint. You can even be eco-friendly and recycle him with Gamling for sustainable combat control!

  • Playing a Song of Kings as background music lets you advertise A Very Good buy one get one free offer, as well as offering life insurance for Déorwine!

  • The shoppers may have money in their pockets but if the shelves are not restocked quickly, you will make fewer sales. Giving Gléowine a couple more shifts (deck slots) and Daeron's Runes (to remove waste) could work.

  • I don't think you need to hire a new thain - paying your current workers (heroes) to be more Resourceful results in just as much profit but allows you to inspire multiple employees like this.

  • A discount store such as your's doesn't need lots of Information (although a Storm looks spectacular) but instead focuses on supplying a refined set of products that work well together.

I'm just seeing how many references I can get in - love the deck mate!

Oct 20, 2017 Durins_Father 3268

Thank you for the feedback, I can't believe I forgot Grimbold, the other adjustments are also good, I will look to make a version 2.0 for this deck. Thanks for the reply, love the references!

Oct 20, 2017 Lecitadin 205

39 allies! Yes sir!! Love it!