A nice little card, which is close to an auto-include if you have the right hero. Heroes which work with this are Aragorn, Boromir, Damrod, Hirgon, Mablung, Prince Imrahil, Prince Imrahil. Any other Gondor heroes you're unlikely to want to consistently quest with. However, if you do have the right hero, +1 Will for 1 resource is solid, and the Valour response is almost always going to be strong. When it fits, it fits real nice!
The Valour Response doesn’t include the usual appending “shuffle your deck” verbiage, so the player also learns the order of the top 4 cards of the player deck.
FAQ 1.21 says: “Whenever a player searches through a deck, that player shuffles the deck after searching it unless a card effect says otherwise. Players do not shuffle or change the order of a discard pile after searching it.” So you would still shuffle after triggering the Response here.