Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Fellowships using this decklist | |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Seastan's Hardcore Progression Mode | 16 | 10 | 14 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
0% –
0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Seastan 45852
I like the idea of playing the game in progression mode, but what disappoints me is that pretty early in the card pool, you can build a power deck (Dwarf swarm, for example), and steamroll through almost all the rest of the quests without ever having to adjust your deck. So I came up with this concept of "Restricted Progression", where certain cards become unusable when you get to the point in the cardpool where you could build a power deck around them.
Restricted Progression is therefore meant for players who enjoy deckbuilding. By limiting your ability to build power decks, it forces you into continually updating your deck(s) as you go along, tailoring it to the specific challenges of the quest you are going to face.
Here's how it works: After each product in the following list, there may be a list of player cards. Once you get to that product in the progression series, you can no longer use those cards in your deck.
Most entries use the "&" symbol. For example, "Glorfindel & Light of Valinor". This means that you can have either Glorfindel or Light of Valinor in your deck(s), but having the combination in your deck(s) is banned. I do not want to ban a card outright just because of one specific interaction.
Note: I included some, but not all, of the cards subject to restrictions in the actual decklist so that it could be published as a legal deck. For a complete and continually updated list of the restricted cards, consult the list below:
Banned List
Core Set
The Hunt for Gollum
Conflict at the Carrock
A Journey to Rhosgobel
The Massing at Osgiliath
The Hills of Emyn Muil
The Dead Marshes
Return to Mirkwood
The Redhorn Gate
Road to Rivendell
The Watcher in the Water
The Long Dark
Foundations of Stone
Shadow and Flame
Over Hill and Under Hill
The Battle of Lake-town
Heirs of Numenor
On the Doorstep
The Steward's Fear
- More than 6 total Outlands cards (including Hirluin the Fair)
The Druadan Forest
Encounter at Amon Din
NM Passage Through Mirkwood
NM Journey Along the Anduin
NM Escape from Dol Guldur
Assault on Osgiliath
The Black Riders
The Blood of Gondor
The Stone of Erech
The Morgul Vale
NM The Hunt for Gollum
NM Conflict at the Carrock
NM A Journey to Rhosgobel
The Voice of Isengard
- Aragorn & Doomed player cards (including Grima)
- Legacy of Númenor
NM The Hills of Emyn Muil
NM The Dead Marshes
NM Return to Mirkwood
NM Khazad dum
The Dunland Trap
NM Over Hill and Under Hill
The Three Trials
Trouble in Tharbad
NM The Redhorn Gate
NM Road to Rivendell
NM The Watcher in the Water
NM The Long Dark
NM Foundations of Stone
NM Shadow and Flame
The Road Darkens
The Nin-in-Eilph
NM Heirs of Numenor
The Old Forest
Celebrimbor's Secret
NM On the Doorstep
The Antlered Crown
- More than 6 total Ent cards
Fog on the Barrow-downs
NM The Steward's Fear
NM The Druadan Forest
NM Encounter at Amon Din
NM Assault on Osgiliath
NM The Blood of Gondor
NM The Morgul Vale
The Lost Realm
NM The Black Riders
The Treason of Saruman
The Wastes of Eriador
NM The Voice of Isengard
Escape from Mount Gram
The Ruins of Belegost
Across the Ettenmoors
The Treachery of Rhudaur
NM The Dunland Trap
NM The Three Trials
NM Trouble in Tharbad
The Battle of Carn Dum
Murder at the Prancing Pony
The Land of Shadow
The Dread Realm
The Grey Havens
NM The Road Darkens
NM The Nin-in-Eilph
NM Celebrimbor's Secret
NM The Antlered Crown
Flight of the Stormcaller
- Erestor & Denethor
- Vanish from Sight & Aragorn
- Vanish from Sight & Favor of the Valar
- Vanish from Sight & O Elbereth! Gilthonial!
The Thing in the Depths
NM The Lost Realm
Temple of the Deceived
NM The Treason of Saruman
The Siege of Annuminas
The Flame of the West
NM The Wastes of Eriador
NM Escape from Mount Gram
NM Across the Ettenmoors
The Drowned Ruins
A Storm on Cobas Haven
The City of Corsairs
The Sands of Harad
NM The Treachery of Rhudaur
NM The Battle of Carn Dum
NM The Dread Realm
The Mumakil
Race Across Harad
NM The Lands of Shadow
Beneath the Sands
NM The Grey Havens
The Black Serpent
The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat
The Crossing of Poros
The Mountain of Fire
Jul 07, 2017 |
Jul 07, 2017While the Mirror+Harp is a good combo, in my opinion it's only broken if it's being used to search out some other broken combos, which are banned. Tactics Boromir is banned only once Heirs of Numenor is released. You are free to use him up until then. |
Jul 07, 2017What does Heirs of Numenor do to make Boromir banned? Why then? Is it just because the accumulation of all the cards that can support him have hit critical mass? |
Jul 07, 2017
Furthermore, if he were not banned here in Heirs of Numenor he'd surely be banned in the very next expansion, The Steward's Fear, which contains Gondorian Shield. The ability to defend for 4 nearly unlimited times from turn one with a 1-cost attachment is too much of a power combo in my opinion. Boromir's ability is the primary culprit, which is why he is banned outright rather than just banning certain combos. With a decent sized card pool it becomes too easy to boost his attack and defense - you'd need to ban the Signals, weapons, armor, Support of the Eagles, even Keeping Count. And threat reduction starts to become commonplace as the cardpool expands, making his drawback negligible. So that's why I decided to ban him where I did. |
Jul 07, 2017
Jul 07, 2017
I didn't have any problem with the outright ban of Boromir; it's totally understandable. I was just confused about the timing. Judging by your own arguments about building his attack/defense, I would expect an earlier ban, especially since threat reduction wasn't really enhanced much by any Heirs of Numenor cards and all the cards you specifically mentioned were released in the first cycle. Battle and siege make sense, though, as a tip-the-scales reason to start banning him if you don't think it's necessary to ban him sooner. |
Jul 08, 2017
Jul 08, 2017
Furthermore, I feel that many people already have already played in progression mode with this idea in mind of avoiding power decks, and I didn't want to end up invalidating those decks by banning such a common staple. |
Jul 08, 2017I like the idea and this might actually make me try doing a "progression mode" which I haven't done before. A few suggestions on other combos that might need reining in: Loragorn&Frodo: Even without Legacy of Numenor, Loragorn can be bonkers with Frodo and basically let you break defending. My Loragorn/Grima/Frodo deck I made two cycles ago still beats most modern quests easily. Doughty Ranger & Eleanor/Merry & Wingfoot: I know it just got released, but this combo could do serious damage down the line and should be stopped. Ignoring treacheries for the entire game is reason enough to halt the combo. Again, great idea and I'm ready to give this a shot. |
Jul 08, 2017
Jul 09, 2017I love it! Other games have a ban-list, why not LotR? Could go a long way towards fixing some of the minor balance issues that seem to have crept into the game. I like that you tended towards banning combos rather than individual cards whenever possible. It's always sad to lose access to a card altogether. I'm sorry to see Ents get a nerf, though. Are they really that much stronger than other traits? |
Jul 10, 2017Great idea! I think you're banning the wrong Prince Imrahil with Caldara though, unless I'm missing something tricky. |
Jul 10, 2017
Jul 14, 2017For those who think this is still not enough of a challenge: |
May 04, 2018I´m confused here, why you have Vilya on this deck if you don´t have Elrond? |
May 06, 2019Thanks. This is a great idea! The order of the expansions here is that the "official" in-game sequence? For example the order of the saga expansions and POD expansions relative to the normal expansions? Or is there some other logic behind the ordering? |
May 06, 2019
I should mention also that many of the cards in this list have now been errata'd to make them more balance. So maybe there is no need for it anymore. |
Sep 01, 2023Which Boromir is banned? From the base game or from Numenor? |
Sep 01, 2023 |
How about adding Mirror of Galadriel & Silver Harp, also If you meant to put tactics Boromir on the list he should be in The Dead Marshes.