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The Alliance of the First Age: Elves and Men! |
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Threat Proof (Voyage of the Wise) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
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Card draw simulator |
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0% –
Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Accipitrids_are_comming 7
Threat Proof (Voyage of the Wise) is built off the key deffinition of a "Player Card" not including Contract Cards and Hero Cards. In-so-doing, a threat reduction engine is created using Beregond, Frodo Baggins, Aragorn and Council of the Wise that circomvents the heavely restrictive death march that is created by the Contract A Perilous Voyage. Threat Proof, A Voyage of the Wise has the potential to reduce it's threat by 3 (a net of 1) per turn - with a once per game lifesaving reduction back to 29 when Aragorn gets suplemented with the card text of Aragorn with the help of Thorongil if threat gets out of hand.
Contracts are built to be a curse more then a blessing - to get through 100 Cards (especialy to aquire needed cards or Thorongil while A Perilous Voyage is still on Side A) and have a net reduction of threat per turn, at least 2 cards need to be played each turn (with 3 being optimal) to activate Council of the Wise's card text - text that remains active even when A Perilous Voyage is on it's B-side.
As a concequence, slighlty more than 50% of the deck space is devoted to s, cards that are free or 1$; however the obvius draw back is the posibility of s and s draw being inconsistant. My usualy deck building styal is to rely on and card text effects for long lasting and relyable effects - and avoid and underutalize effects. This deck walks the line of utalising s that are bolth situationally usefull for the functioning of this deck, and cards that can be played at any time to make the nessissary 2 cards played per turn to have the card draw and threat reduction that the Voyage of the Wise needs to function optimaly.
Each Hero performs the same task throughout the coerce of the game. Aragorn is a Quester, and is the main attacker in the party. He supplies resources to , , and is the only source of in the game - with the help of Thorongil making him is alternate form Aragorn. The Aragorn/Aragorn couple is so instramental to massive threat reduction in the Party - and must be played before this Party reaches 49 on the threat dial. Beregond is the main defender - it needs to defend one attack every turn for Threat Reduction. Frodo Baggins is the quester and his purse underpins the entier game - so many key cards are in the Sphere.
Threat Proof must have a starting hand with Gondorian Shield.
Card List devoted to Beregond: Gondorian Shield = a must for defense protection. Beregond cannot receive damage from attacks for his threat reduction to work. Gondorian Discipline is a free that prevents unexpected damage from Shadow Card Effects. Hauberk of Mail is a non-restricted attachment that really helps raise Armored Destrier allows our key tank to take on multiple attackers (and more points of threat reduction).
Card List devoted to Aragorn: Beyond All Hope and Noble Hero are his starting Campaign cards (discard if illegal to play) Steed of the North is so important allowing him to Quest and Attack. Thorongil allows him to access the sphere and do a reset back to 29. Steward of Gondor makes him a gold mine. A majority of the and cards are purchased by Aragorn. Captain of Gondor for an attack and defense bonus (must have Steward of Gondor equipped first. Readying cards: Upgrade his horse to Charge of the Rohirrim (bolth mount cards equiped). Steed of the North/Roheryn combination allows Aragorn to still quest, then ready and attack when engaged to a new enemy, or late in game when he's not needed to be questing - Roheryn can be triggered first, and then once Aragorn defeats an enemy and his card text activates, he can ready to deffend the new attacker using Steed of the North. This combo is fun, and a Aragorn/Aragorn/Roheryn/Steed of the North/Heir of Mardil/Andúril makes a satisfying 2 Enemy take down in one turn. (though it can be done more easily with /Steward of Gondor/Gondorian Fire/Firefoot - but I use this in my other decks (usually on Éowyn, and wanted something fresh and feels genuine to the Aragorn engine.) At the end, Aragorn should have a 3, 4 bonus. It's not stellar, but enough. Lets not forget Sword that was Broken - giving every character a bonus and allows him to take on the payment of cards.
Frodo Baggins Card List: He is a giver and travels vary light. His most notable mention is Stone of Elostirion from "Capturing and Taking" Deck i built - this buffs his and gives Threat Proof 2 Cards at Setup. Because of the 100 card deck minimum and only one copy of a card limmit because of the A Perilous Voyage/Council of the Wise combenation, Red Book of Westmarch was added to give bonuses and 1$ in whitch is a plus
Sting is for Sam Gamgee once he becomes a Hero. As well Orcrist is purposed for Thalion when he becomes a Hero
This Deck is built to make Aragorn a berserker eliminating enemies and having impresive Staging Aria control, while getting through the quest, and taunting enamies twords Beregond. This deck does it all.