Very Peace. So Thoughts. Many Aggro.

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Seastan's Harad Deck 67 49 8 1.0
The Peaceful Haradhrim - Suggested Starter Deck 3 3 0 1.0
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Seastan 45852

Seastan has a newer deck inspired by this one: Seastan's Harad Deck

Seastan has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Peaceful Haradhrim - Suggested Starter Deck

A solo aggro deck built around drawing a ton of cards and then riding the line between 45 and 50 threat.

The team of Kahliel and Boromir is unique in that both heroes have an innate ability for frequent readying. This makes them ideal targets for Peace, and Thought because you get 5 cards for 1 resource and basically no downside.

The first few turns are worth taking a close look at.

First Turn

Mulligan for Peace, and Thought above all else. Don't pay for any cards on your first turn. In the first refresh phase, use Grima's ability to play Peace and Thought for free by exhausting Kahliel and Boromir.

Hopefully you will draw into a Tighten Our Belts to play giving you a resource on each hero (if not, you can use Heed the Dream to dig for it and at least get a resource on Boromir and Kahliel). Then, you can ready Boromir and Kahliel and exhaust them a second time for a second Peace and Thought. In a few games, I've drawn into my third P&T and been able to play it by readying Boromir again and exhausting him with Grima.

If you don't open with any P&T, use Grima to play Heed, digging for a P&T or a Belts.

Second Turn

On the second turn, you can ready Boromir and Kahliel again, and now you have ~8 resources and lots of cards with minimal impact from all the hero exhausting. Steward goes on Kahliel of course.

Later Turns

The deck should have all the questing you need with Kahliel and his Headdress.

Boromir can't stop everything with his shield, which is why you have Warden of Healing.

For attacking, you have Yazan, but you also have good ol' Gondorian Fire which you can charge up with Captain's Wisdom.


Your threat skyrockets pretty fast with Boromir and Grima on the same team, not to mention all the extra exhausts Boromir has to do to sit and think peacefully. For threat management you have Sneak-Gandalf, but I actually prefer to use that for more card draw. The other threat reduction comes from Favor of the Valar. In late game you will often be overflowing with resources so it isn't hard to play this a bunch of times if needed.

The White Council is here primarily to cycle Peace, and Thoughts back into the deck, but it can also shuffle in your Sneak Attacks for more threat reduction.


There are some more Harad allies that will be coming out soon. I'd probably swap out 3xCaptain's Wisdom, a Headdress, a Yazan, and a White Council for more Harad allies.


Mar 24, 2017 Aorakis 584

With that many cards in hand, i would actually put at least 1 or 2 protector of lorien so all thoses cards might be discarded for another purpose that might help a lot aswel.

And i strongly suggest to wait for the next coming harad ally in the 2nd pack of the 7th Cycle (race across harad) before building efficiently around it. Coz that 2 cost ally is going to be kind of good in harad decks.


Mar 24, 2017 Seastan 45852

@AorakisProtector of Lorien is a win-more card here - it's only good if you've already succeeding in drawing tons of cards.

And did you read the last paragraph of my description? I have already thought about the upcoming allies.

Mar 24, 2017 Aorakis 584

@Seastan i should have bypass that part coz no, i haven't seen it ^^

And yeah, it's a win more, and gonna be hard to included those in the deck as you mentionned, even if i had some games where i had plenty of cards in hand and not specially ressources to play them where a way of discarding those would have been cool. But all in all, it's not much of a problem so yeah.

Not specially fan about harad mechanic (too close to Outlands i.m.o and those three "5 cost allies" are so O.P that allowing them to be that much (price) reduced is a bit too strong i think.

Wondering what other harad this cycle will bring, but i'm a bit afraid about it to be honest.

I would have prefered that they dig a bit more some existing, or almost existing mechanics (like dale, woodlands, rangers and even more, eagles ! wich strongly need a proper eagle hero ! ^^)

Good job anyway, not much else to say, but i always like how you play those : Tighten and Peace And...

I'm a big fan of those 2 cards, so it's nice to see them used.

Cheers again.

Mar 27, 2017 OKTarg 214

Love this idea. I'm wondering if it would be stronger to swap Grima for Loragorn and try Legacy of Numenor instead of the Tightens....I can see wanting to try something that's not Loreagorn just for the sake of it, but had you considered something like that? If we did that hero swap, Deep Knowledge can also come in....

Mar 27, 2017 Seastan 45852

@OKTargSeems like a great idea! I'll try it out.

May 18, 2018 avexsis 1

Sorry for the question, but how can the questing be done with a total of 3 willpower (kahliel and his headress)? Yazan and Jubayr apparently wont quest and there is only Firiyal left, she adds plus 4, so a total of 7 quest points, that is not impressive for the questing... to say the least.

May 18, 2018 Seastan 45852

You also have Grima and the Wardens of healing, so potentially 9+ , and with 3x Gandalf and 3x Sneak attack you often have Gandalf's help in the questing phase to make it 13+ .

But I recommend checking out the updated version of the deck that includes the latest Harad allies: