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In Play
Discard Pile
Kaspatou 801
With the two towers we have our best masochistic heroes ! So it's time to create an original deck for revised content only.
Glóin isn't so good on core set because 4 cost for Citadel Plate is too long and 4HP not enough.
Here we have Ent Draught thanks to Treebeard, so Gloin will have quickly (hope T1) 6 HP. Or for the Anduin, 7 HP on Gimli who will fight vs the troll with 8 T2.
Gloin will be our next "defender" going to the quest.
Treebeard will be good in everything you need !
We have not Warden of Healing yet, but here we have Self Preservation, Wellinghall Preserver, Ioreth, Daughter of the Nimrodel...
We will have a lot of resources so we have to draw a lot too. We have Gléowine, Legolas, Gandalf with Sneak Attack, Daeron's Runes...
For threat we have Gandalf with Sneak Attack and 3 Secret Vigil.
The main fault of this deck is shadow cancelation so if you play in multi, advise your mate for Hasty Stroke ! :D
Enjoy !
Oct 15, 2023 |
Oct 16, 2023consider Sterner than Steel against nasty shadows. i would replace the #Dwarven Sellsword. consider some Longbeard Elder |
Oct 16, 2023Thank you for your comments LaPulgaz and doomguard ! I have only Citadel Plate to exhaust for Sterner than Steel and when i get it, i'm less in danger. (10 HP) I maybe will have my plate late so i don't want to have dead cards. |
Oct 16, 2023the ones that increase attack are not the dangerous shaowards. more dangerous are kinds like: "discard an attachement" , exhaust a character, "character cannot be readied until the end o the round" , "enemy makes an additional attack",.... and against that a plate does not help. |
Oct 16, 2023a card that helps to get the plate earlier is Open the Armory |
Funny deck title. Analyzing it, I saw that it also seems to be extremely strong and fun. Thanks for sharing.