Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Fellowships using this decklist | |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
Inspiration for | ||||
Silvan Party | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Seastan 45852
Mulligan for Elven-light.
Goal #1 is to drop into secrecy and get Resourceful on Arwen. Easy to do on turn 2 if you start with The Galadhrim's Greeting, or even turn 1 if you have Dwarven Tomb with Elrond's Counsel.
Your Mirkwood Long-knife and Light of Valinor go on Argalad, and allow him to quest and trigger.
Bilbo fetches your Hobbit Pipes, which go on Bilbo Baggins, Pippin, and Robin Smallburrow. They provide lots of card draw because you should be able to play a threat-lowering event almost every turn.
Supplement Argalad's staging area damage using the Ranger Bows.
The deck can also perform well in multiplayer. Even more so if Thalin is on the table.
Jan 08, 2017 |
Jan 08, 2017Ignore my previous comment, I just assumed the bows were going on Argalad as soon as I saw your deck. My bad. |
Jan 08, 2017I don't think I've ever seen a deck that starts out of secrecy with the intention to drop into it. A pretty cool idea! I'll have to give this a try it looks really fun. Nice deck! |
Jan 09, 2017
Jan 09, 2017Well Warned might be a good include given you have a scout and a noble hero. |
Jan 10, 2017
Jan 11, 2017Looks like an amazing deck. Indeed I would add a couple copies of Well-warned, as it also could work with Guardian of Ithilien to send it back and with Pippin to draw a card. My only question would be, what happens when you engage an enemy? Can't wait to build this when I get my Drowned Ruins though! |
Jan 11, 2017
Basically, Arwen and Argalad can both defend an attack of 4, and enemies with more attack than that generally have high engagement cost (although there are many exceptions). Then you can heal off the damage and push them back to the staging area. |
Jan 11, 2017No Mablung ally? Ranger trait, solid 2 willpower, pushes enemies back into staging area |
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 11, 2017What do you think of Haldir vs Argalad? I guess you made this deck around Argalad to give him a try, but now that you've done so, which one do you think it's better? I find them both rather similar; Argalad helps more during the quest phase, but Haldir can deal with enemies with toughness... |
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 11, 2017
Jan 15, 2017Fun deck, thanks for posting it! Just beat Escape from Umbar with it, bit of a struggle to finish off the second phase, though (so many enemies by the end!). I'm swapping out one The Galadhrim's Greeting and the Double Back for two A Light in the Dark to get some instant speed enemy disengagement, I think there are plenty of useful cases for that card. Thoughts? |
Feb 18, 2017Fun deck and surprisingly versatile. Beat Escape from Umbar and Mumakil with it. |
Sep 16, 2017Had a lot of trouble with that quest until I realized that Southron Champion can be canceled with A Test of Will. |
Sep 16, 2017
Sep 16, 2017Right, just read that in the rule booklet. So that's not that easy then. How do you deal with the Champion then ? Especially since it seems I always get an Archer or a Soldier as the champion... |
Sep 16, 2017You have to engage it then chump block it and kill it off with Argalad and allies. |
Sep 19, 2017
Sorry to spoil this, but Argalad is not a ranger.