The Last Alliance of Ents and Dwarves V2

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Derived from
The Last Alliance of Ents and Dwarves 7 1 4 1.0
Inspiration for
The Last Alliance of Ents and Dwarves V3 0 0 0 3.0
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Fluffy1 24

Fluffy1 has a newer deck inspired by this one: The Last Alliance of Ents and Dwarves V3

Original description: I cut Veteran of Nanduhirion for Azain Silverbeard and -1 Longbeard Elder and Healing Herbs for 2 Erebor Battle Master.
Ents ent-ered the world to keep an eye on the trees against Dwarves in particular, but here Treebeard brings some Wellinghall Preservers to keep an eye on the dwarves! With the Last Alliance, Veteran of Nanduhirion can fuel Leaflock and Booming Ent and Gimli will Boom and Trumpet like Quickbeam himself. This was really fun to build, with all the Dwarf and Ent damage synergy. I took this deck against The Mumakil and beat a Horsehair Lasso Mumak easily. Veteran of Nanduhirion is actually good here, especially with the cost reduction. Please submit suggestions for improvement, especially in the threat department.


Aug 14, 2023 nelloianiro 1056

I think resource production in more crucial then threat reduction for you. There are a lot of costly allies in this deck and finding means to pay for them all, especially with dwarves and ents (who have lots of 3 cost allies), is crucial.

Here's my suggestions.

First and foremost, you need Steward of Gondor.

You could also add Song of Healing and Ring Mail, get Glóin up to 8 and turn him into a defender + resource machine. Then you add Shining Shield and give him a potential 4 . You could add some other healing cards as well, as well as Boots from Erebor.

Cards you could cut are 1x Soldier of Erebor, he's super costly, Healing Herbs, there are better healing cards out there in my opinion, and both We Are Not Idles, since you won't need them and exhausting heroes always sucks. Having over 50 cards is OK though if you are adding Song of Healing, just discard the ones you don't need.

This seems like a really cool deck and I wanna try it out! Good work!

Aug 14, 2023 nelloianiro 1056

Oops! Forgot to mention, my above suggestions are a bit drastic considering the contract lowers the cost of allies, I was mainly just giving you all the different ideas for card combos. Regardless, at least SoG could really help this deck

Aug 14, 2023 Fluffy1 24

@nelloianiro I don't know how I forgot Steward! I was just using We Are Not Idle as a deck thinner. Sometimes no enemies come out and Gimli is ready.

Aug 14, 2023 Fluffy1 24

V3 is published!