Almost Thematic Noldor

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Kaspatou 762

My attempt to deck with Gaeronel.

The goal is to have Gaeronel 3 / 3 / 3 as often as possible.

And to make the most, a lot of readying with Unexpected Courage, Light of Valinor.

Have an event on the top of our discard pile is quite easy with Elrond's Counsel and Elven-light.

To have an attachment, we can count ont Relic of Nargothrond. With Inner Strength too, Gaeronel has 6 and cancel shadows. We don't have heal but she won't take much dommage.

And for the allies, we use Wandering Spirit. We don't put ally with one of them to keep an ally on the top of our discard pile when we need it.

When boosting Gaeronel we boost our other allies : Sailor of Lune, Mithlond Sea-watcher and Warden of the Havens.

Apart from (MotK) Legolas it's Thematic. I finally choose him because we wan't more draw. Elven-light is not enough for me.

We have low cost allies so we will play them quickly thanks to Captain's Wisdom, To the Sea, to the Sea! and Legacy of NĂºmenor so we want to draw a lot. Lindir and Erestor are here to help for drawing too. Don't hesitate if you have any suggestions !


Jul 26, 2023 Seastan 45427

How about Harlond Lookout? Easy way to ready Gaeronel for an attack :)

Jul 26, 2023 Kaspatou 762

I considered Harlond Lookout, i found her expensive for"just" a chump/readying one time but i realize that i have no use of my leadership resources apart 4 allies so i will include her. Thank you for your suggestion !