Strength of the First Age

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Vengeance of Mordor
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Almost Thematic Noldor 7 3 2 1.0
Gaeronel plays Riddles 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

SerHalcyon 155

"Next came the Noldor, a name of wisdom, the people of Finwë. They are the Deep Elves, the friends of Aulë; and they are renowned in song, for they fought and laboured long and grievously in the northern lands of old".

Time for the Noldor to rise up against the Enemy once again.

Arwen of course serves as your economy/built in discard engine, and your quester, also typical target for To the Sea.

Glorfindel is your blade as always, duel wielding Rivendell Blades to absolutely scythe through enemies.

Gaeronel is your defensive core. Race to a Relic of Nargothrond, equip it to her, using its trigger you should be able to discard it for additional shield, which will also activate her base line ability, meaning she operates as a five shield defender once she is online. This comes with the added perk of turning on all your Warden of the Havens.

An ideal turn one would use Captain's Wisdom or Legacy of Numenor to have your economy explode, following that up with a Lay of Nauglamir, this allows you to search up allies and hopefully dump any Elven Light, Relic of Nargothrond or Lords of the Eldar into your discard.

Even without an ideal explosive opener you can still work you way to it.

Special note should go to Wandering Spirit, who you can maipulate in your discard to serve as a 1 Spirit for any ally save Galadriel.

This is very much a wip but despite whatever rough edges exist, it feels like a consistent go wide Noldor army, and that feels great.


May 24, 2024 Quetzal513 98

Really like the deck. Question, can Wandering Spirit manipulate the discard pile to activate Mithlond Sea-watcher and Gaeronel's attack boost as well? I probably would try to work in Sailor of Lune for maximum discard pile puzzling.

May 26, 2024 doomguard 2170

should be working e.g. if you have an event on top and the spirit at 2 or 3rd place. use bonus from event in questing then in combat use action of spirit move him to the top and get bonus of top card as ally.

May 26, 2024 Quetzal513 98

Wandering Spirit's wording is interesting. Since the action isn't limited, it doesn't seem like it really matters where it is in your discard pile, it can keep floating to the top. The second part of the action, putting an ally into play, comes after reordering your discard pile and is couched with 'if' and 'may'; so it seems entirely optional and you'd be able to keep one copy near the top continuously triggering any bonuses for having an ally on top.

May 26, 2024 doomguard 2170

i think the "lmit once per round" is for the whole action.

May 26, 2024 Quetzal513 98

Ya, I'm and idiot who doesn't have the attention span to read all the way to the end of a card. Still, probably not too crazy to keep floating the Wandering Spirit to the top.

May 26, 2024 doomguard 2170

yea i think that was one of the intensions from Alop to buff own-dicardpile-shenanigans. if you are smart you may combine it all as u need it within a phase with Elven-light discarded by arwen, this spirit and Relic of Nargothrond. for me personally it is a bit to much to care about to have fun with it, but it may boost the noldor quite a bit if you like to have another issue to take care of.