Warriors of Men

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Roka 1695

While I have seen plenty of Rohan decks using Thengel and Lothíriel (mostly with Eomer) to discard temporary allies and replace them with permanent ones, I haven't seen one with Prince Imrahil and Thengel, and a quick search shows there is no other published yet on RingsDB. With Imrahil being my favourite hero in the game, I had to change this. While Prince Imrahil lacks the Rohan trait, he has an other one that we can take advantage of: He is a warrior. And thankfully, so are most of the Rohan allies we want to discard in the combat phase: Grimbold, Háma, Deeping Bowman, Riddermark Knight and even some Gondor ones with Derufin and if you are in Valour Mode Honour Guard. With all of them you can pretty much every round get one of those allies out in the combat phase with Imrahills action for a single ressource, use their discard effect and replace them with a new one that is staying in the game and sometimes is more powerful like, Gimli, Faramir or Legolas.

With so many Warriors entering play during a turn, we can also take advantage of an other AleP-hero, Ingold, to draw 2 cards per turn, one in the planning and one in the combat phase. In the beginning you want to raise your threat for his ability, helping you to get into valour for Honour Guard, Angbor the Fearless and The Red Arrow. Later in the game, you want to get Steward of Gondor on him to be able to spend the ressources and save threat. With all that card draw and discards from A Very Good Tale you will in most scenrios empty your deck and reshuffle it with Will of the West (one reshuffle is normally enough, but i like 2 copies in case you discard one with A Very Good Tale). To not threat out, use Sneak Attack + Gandalf (once you stock up ressources with Steward you can also pay for him) for threat reduction.


May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

thengel is a nice addition but not really mandatory for that deck. imrahil + ingold seems the core for me, and then with luck you have a discardable, and with luck you get an expensive one for permanent staying.

without luck you might replace a 1 cost -ally (from imrahil) with a 2 cost. nice but not overwhelming for a hero.

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

something with formatting goes wrong can you hide it? writing from laptop seems a little bit unpredictable ;)

May 09, 2023 Roka 1695

@doomguard the thing is that Imrahill's "one cost ally" doesn't stay in play, so Thengel gives you probably on average a free 2 cost ally every round, which is good for a hero. the problem with most Imrahill decks is that you have solid tempo but never build up a board state and Thengel helps a ton with that + you want a defending hero anyway. I have tried Imrahil+ Ingold also with Boromir and Lothíriel and both decks were weaker than this one. Also I approach deckbuilding more from a "I want to make this hero or combination of heores work" angle and puzzle the deck together from there than to try for maximum power level. I think that is the beautiful thing about a coop lcg, that you can try to make use of "worse" cards and don't need to use a dominant strategy, and also that we all can play it in the way we want :) (i now hid your comment, if you want you can rewrite it)

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

with Boromir and Visionary Leadership was it weaker? had thought otherwise.

in your last post you did not calculate, that use of Prince Imrahil still cost 1 res. so the 2 cost ally is not free or do you asume an average of 3 cost ally with Thengel?

i have a deck with Lothíriel and Ingold without Prince Imrahil: ringsdb.com

could imagine with Prince Imrahil instead of Celador (and replace the green cards with Prince Imrahil-compatible red ones) it would work well and perhaps better as the thengel-version and you do not need to find an ally with discardability while possible 3 times use of Ingold.

but perhaps i underestimate that your version has save win of 1-3 cost while making a temporal ally permanent.

May 09, 2023 Roka 1695

@doomguard yeah boromir had visionary leadership but was weaker. And about the math: the (temporary) Imrahil ally always costs a ressource, regardless if you use Thengel or not. So normal Imrahill decks pay 1 ressource for a defense with Hama or Grimbold or a one round +4 attack with Riddermark knight or whatever you do with the ally, and you still get that with this deck. After that you get your average 2 cost ally from Thengel for free compared to another Imrahill deck.

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

in any case, Morwen Steelsheen would make it better:

she is a save replacement for the imrahil-ally and triggers Thengel save. her abilties are very usefull. even if broke, she provides a save use of Thengel if a gondor ally is out and you cannot pay Prince Imrahil

would furthermore consider a Thorongil, giving Prince Imrahil readying and ld-sphere using Prince Imrahil

May 09, 2023 Roka 1695

@doomguard I can defintely see how Morwen Steelsheen improves deck, but I think second Unexpected Courage is better than Thorongil cause it's cheaper and Imrahill has almost now ressources cause he spends his almost every turn and with Steward on Ingold you have plenty of leadership ressources

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

yea Thorongil only makes sense if you give imrahil the steward.

May 09, 2023 Birdman137 191

Maybe a dumb question but does Thengel's Response trigger off of Imrahil's Action? Since Imrahil shuffles an ally back into your deck I understand that ally leaves play, but didn't think that counts as being discarded. Or are you counting on the ally Imrahil puts into play being discarded via their own effect?

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

it triggers only if you can discard the ally that comes with Prince Imrahil, thats why i said, its lucky...

but he has about 10 allycards, that can discard themself in the combatphase. (that has to be done before end of phase) but hitting one of the 10 with Prince Imrahil 5 cards, i do not call safe, but roka seems to have good experience with this rate.

May 09, 2023 doomguard 2191

perhaps the very rare used Minas Tirith Lampwright could be of use here.

May 10, 2023 Roka 1695

@Birdman137``@doomguard yeah you have to discard the ally with their effect, and their are 15 allies with a discard effect +3 with Honour Guardin Valour. I included Worthy of Remembrance and Helm! Helm! to be able to discard other allies in earlier drafts, but turned out the deck became more consistent by just maximizing your allies in total.