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Kaspatou 801
Gandalf/Elrond in another way.
I wanted to find a use to To Arms!, i think it's poor in Dale so i tried with Gandalf and it's not so bad. It's interesting at the beginning when we have Gandalf in play with his Wizard Pipe
Merry + Elrond's Counsel + Double Back and we can keep Gandalf all the game.
Denethor let us play Gandalf T1 if we want.
We need some stuff so Daeron's Runes, Drinking Song, Gléowine and Peace, and Thought will help. Peace, and Thought is very good here because Merry and Denethor are sometimes useless and they can be ready.
Enjoy !
May 04, 2023 |
May 04, 2023Thanks for comment ! Narya x1 maybe? Daeron's Runes are worthless with blind vilya but they are important for draw. And i have a lot uniques. I suppose the best cut is To Arms! but i wanted to play this card :D Maybe Wellinghall Preserver ? They are good but less than Gildor Inglorion. |
May 04, 2023Fun take on Gandalf - Elrond + Vilya! |
May 05, 2023Narya could be fun (as already mentioned) both as a way for Gandalf to self-ready and boost, but also to enable Sword-thain and then Thorongil to get Gandalf's effect |
May 05, 2023Narya is a very good idea, i hadn't thought that he could self ready ! It's very nice ! Sword-thain + Thorongil isn't that much worth i think :) |
May 05, 2023Sword Thain is no good with Gandalf. He's Neutral, so doesn't fulfil the requirement of "any sphere of influence". |
May 05, 2023That's the point of Narya. It makes him a Leadership ally. |
May 06, 2023Ah nice! I'd missed that. |
This looks very good. I would replace add Narya because it is very strong. Elf-stone also would help play high-cost cards. Gildor Inglorion is also a good Vilya target. Finally, a third copy of Imladris Stargazer would help with consistency. You could probably cut Daeron's Runes. They make a blind Vilya activation much worse.