[Puzzle] The Nameless Challenge

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Emmental 471

I present you another puzzle :

The Nameless Challenge

The Nameless ennemis from Foundations of Stone are theorically the most powerfull ennemies one can face in the game.


You are playing a special multiplayer version of this scenario. The first player sole objective has been to boost a Primeval Thing in every possible way (for example, with 3 Nest of Horrors in play, every Deep Deep Dark attaches 4 more cards to the Primeval Thing. And of course he uses Shadow of the Past to repeat it^^). His deck is full of Broks, Beorns and other high-priced cards.

Your task : defeat the monster. And only one of your characters can do it.

To say it another way :

  • what is the maximal a character can have ?
  • what is the maximal ?

Fell free to make a deck for one or both of those two records.

Rules :

  • Player 2 took care of the scenario, and gave you as many turns you needed. Assume you have enough card card draw and resources to draw and play your whole deck, and your threat has been reduced to your starting threat.
  • They also discarded the shadow card from the Nameless.
  • You have to defeat it. Straight Shot doesn't work, but Heavy Stroke is ok.
  • No infinite combo or unbounded bonuses (like Gondorian Fire).
  • Use a 50-cards deck.

Example :


Use Sword that was Broken and The Arkenstone to boost the other charaters


Give +1/+1/+1 to Sam with Arod

Rosie Cotton :

Hero thanks to Sword-thain. Friend of Friends, Legacy of Gondolin, Song of Travel, Elf-friend, Song of Healing, Fireside Song Celebrían's Stone, Stone of Elostirion.

Total 13

Sam Gamgee

Is Rohan thanks to Nor am I a Stranger and wields Golden Shield and Herugrim. Has Sting thanks to his Golden Belt. Friend of Friends, Necklace of Girion, Elf-friend, Arod.

Song of Mocking, 3× Song of Eärendil, 3× Song of Kings, 2× Song of Travel, 3× Song of Wisdom, 3× Song of Battle, The Fall of Gil-Galad, To the Sea, to the Sea!, O Lórien!, Legacy of Gondolin, Song of Healing and Fireside Song = 23 Song.

Total :
4 and

Sam uses his Response when engaging the Primeval thing

During Combat phase, Rosie adds her to Sam, giving him 47

Play Fair and Perilous and Light the Beacons, targetting Sam.

With Golden Shield, that's 52 (and with 4 , you can take X= 55 from the Nameless).

With Fair and Perilous and Herugrim that's a whooping 102 (+2 damage from Sting) counterattack.

If we focus only on damage, we can make some interesting damage with 3 Fair and Perilous (5+47*4+1 from sting) and kill a Nameless with 188 .

This solution is not optimized. With Sméagol (flipped) instead of Elfhelm i can remove Arod for another card. I also think Dori with Light the Beacons can help to make higher defenses. Treebeard+Fair and Perilous looks promising too, and i haven't touched The Last Alliance.


Dec 07, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Is Gimli allowed, or is that considered boundless?

Dec 07, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Using The White Council and Will of the West to recur Fair and Perilous would improve this greatly.

Dec 07, 2022 LEGOlas 131

I know this deck does not use the proper rules. The deck has far more than 50 cards and relies on Nenya, meaning it does not work in the combat phase. However, I believe it is capable of nearly getting the highest possible, non-infinite .


You stick all the attachments in their obvious places. The basic idea is to recur Helm of Secrecy to repeatedly replace Galadriel with Arwen Undómiel. This constantly discards Nenya which can be rebought through Reforged. Once you have used all of the recursion and Nenya has targetted Rosie Cotton a few times, Rosie will have a ludicrously high willpower. She can trigger her ability on herself, doubling her willpower. Then, Fair and Perilous can be further recurred to turn all that questing power into pure . If you have any questions on specifics, let me know. I don't feel like typing up the whole thing, though.

Dec 08, 2022 Emmental 471

@LEGOlas :

  • Gimli is totally fine.
  • You can still attack outside the combat phase with a card like Battle-fury. You will defeat the Nameless, so it's fine too.
  • Reforged doesn't work with neutral attachments like Nenya (for the same reason Stand and Fight doesn't work with Gandalf. This wording « can belong to any sphere of influence » is really bad imo). But i think you can still recur Nenya with the weavers, by reforging Born Aloft on them (then discarding the Weaver and stand and fight as usual)
  • I like the recursion idea and i think that's a probably how one can attain the greatest values (btw you forgot Dwarven Tomb — Map of Earnil being forbidden due to the "no infinite combo" rule)
  • Your deck is not nearly the highest possible. Add 3× Elwing's Flight and Elrond's Counsel and you will get new heigths. And there are dozen of other events to boost your stats. That's for this reason i gave a 50-card limit.

Dec 08, 2022 Emmental 471

Decided to do the math for a 50 cards deck with a little recursion, values are insane. I got 1457 on Aragorn (and maybe he is better than Sam) : ringsdb.com

Dec 08, 2022 doomguard 2190

@Emmentaldoes it change something to give the The Favor of the Lady to galadriel instead of aragorn?

then, in your description it is not clear to me, who boosts who on using Tale of Tinúviel i think it have to be vice versa because of the needed exhausting, right? but to me its not clear who begins to who ....

Dec 08, 2022 doomguard 2190

another thing to Tale of Tinúviel it is printed willpower, did you take that into the calculations?

Dec 08, 2022 LEGOlas 131

As @doomguard said, Tale of Tinúviel does not work very well. You need to have Aragorn exhausted in order to ready him.

Dec 08, 2022 doomguard 2190

my try: ringsdb.com

Dec 08, 2022 LEGOlas 131

That looks very good Doomgaurd. I think that Protector of Lórien would allow you to discard more, and another Will of the West may be better. However, your solution is fairly optimal. The only improvement I could think of would be The Last Alliance of Hobbit and Dwarf plus Heavy Stroke. You could use Helm of Secrecy to get Galadriel.

Dec 08, 2022 doomguard 2190

in my 1. edition i had 3 Will of the West but there was not enough carddraw to proit from that. with 3 Protector of Lórien and 9 more discard= 9 more Elven-light another Will of the West is perhaps usefull.

is perhaps 6 Fair and Perilous more but 3 basic-wp (songs) less. should be calculated new to be sure what is better.

Dec 08, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Well, Protector of Lórien (assuming you cut songs) provides an additional six willpower. Combining that with more Fair and Perilous is a large improvement.

Dec 08, 2022 doomguard 2190

right, do the math if you wish ^^ its perhaps about 600 more

Dec 09, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Necklace of Girion would also give another point of willpower.

Dec 09, 2022 Emmental 471

Yeah i only user 4 printed willpower for Tale of Tinúviel. I'll try another deck with Thaned Súlien.

I avoided Map of Earnil because i felt there would be an infinite loop with Reforged somewhere.

Dec 10, 2022 doomguard 2190

i think there is a possibility for a loop with Map of Earnil but even if it is, it is not needed to use it.