Making friends on the road

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
Stealth and Steadfastness Suggested Fellowship of the Ring 1 52 39 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Making friends on the road 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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Valvilja The Good 9

Valvilja The Good has a newer deck inspired by this one: Making friends on the road

Go on an adventure as hobbitses and even if you look like a harmless little chap you're about to be the worst pain in the *** of your favorite witch king. As a good fellow living being, you'll make a lots of friends on the road, they'll share with you joyful moments and help you through perils.

Highly inspired from the suggested deck from the Fellowship of the Ring saga extansion. As a new player since the reprint, I can only use cards from the reprint extansions that was released.

At first, when I playtested the deck first, as solo, I find it pretty awesome, Sam Gamgee is a good defender, Merry a fearsome attacker and with their abilities, you don't have any troubles for questing. But, they were some weaknesses that need to be adressed:

  • If one hero dies, is pretty much dramatic, unless it is Pippin, but even so. You're vulnerable to treacheries or "when revealed" cards that do damage to your heroes.

  • If your threat goes too high because of "Doom" effect or simply because it's a long run, your whole deck stop working efficienly.

That's why I replace Gléowine with Dori and the Veteran Axehand with Honour Guard. They can easily prevent damage on your heroes and with Pippin alive, you should not mourn the lost of Gléowine. I've tried first to go with healing cards, but unfortunatly, because you don't have many hits points, I find prevention better than healing.

For the drawing, you'll have plenty of cards from Pippin but if it's not enough, you can play Gandalf or use The Long Defeat that can come in handy. The last one can also be a good healing way if needed, because you cannot always prevent every damage.

For the rest, I added Send for Aid because you have a lot of willpower in this deck that can help you go through quest and a lot of allies to play, it seems to be a must since most of your allies are high costed.

In the side deck, I add Elrond if you want more heal, Ranger Provisions if you feel like you need more ressources, Snowbourn Scout for more progression on location, Frodo's Intuitionif you play the saga campaign and Valiant Sacrifice for more draws.