gimli, king and defender of middlearth

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doomguard 2191

imagine Aragorn has fallen, gimli his mightiest fighting-buddy pick up his sword Andúril and turns the war and fate of middleearth to an good end

  • the free folks will follow. all know he had a crush for the elves and become their deares Elf-friend.
  • the dwarfes supports him anyways after thorin and dain are dead, and he become King Under the Mountain.
  • gondor cannot deny his leadership and offered him Steward of Gondor with Faramir at his side
  • even the remaining Dúnedain Wanderer appear for the last battle and if times get really dire
  • Treebeard would leave his home and support whenever he can

gimli has learned some tactict of his long friendship with the other heroes. first it needs some A Lesson in Caution to explore the ways of the enemy, suppoerted by sneacking friend he will Well-Equipped himself and finally Taking Initiative to bring the battele to the foes.

playing advice: i recomand that deck for multiplayer as fighting part, but it can do (with little adjustments) some work in solo.

mulligan for King Under the Mountain its the main ressourse of carddraw (and with a little luck get the Ered Luin Miner for free. if you have Steward of Gondor or Galadriel or sneak+gandalf in your startinghand, you can keep that either.

take Elf-friend as startingattachement, because then he can wield anduril, the Steward of Gondor would make that too if you have it.

try to play much of the events as posssible before you have any allies or leave secrecy. with a bit of luck you can use Well-Equipped and get one of the expensive ones (Ancestral Armor, Thorongil Andúril with it. a very good shot would be Galadriel together with Well-Equipped 1. round, she might help you to get the steward and arrange a good card.

default play is to pile as much attachements as possible on him and defend for all friends, this could pile up

if Steward of Gondor is needed elsewhere, replace it with Resourceful

i enjoy the imagination, that gimli with anduril and mirkwoodknife, wrapped in heavy armour and elvencloak harvest through the enemys.

playing solo i think you need Faramir so takinghim 3 times seems reasonable in that case.


Sep 26, 2022 NERD 873

I would add Timely Aid and Soldier of Erebor. I don't think the Elf-friend tricks are worth it, but I can appreciate the theme. If you add the Soldier of Erebor, Hidden Cache would also be great. We Are Not Idle seems like an auto-include, especially considering you could get a turn one Andúril with it. Also, Grey Companion might fit nicely.

Sep 26, 2022 doomguard 2191

i do only include Timely Aid if i have at least about) 20 allies. and i i do so, i would o the "classical" way, means Song of Wisdom or Strider as default and much carddraw to make the most of Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale i would play that without A Lesson in Caution and Taking Initiative because get fast much allies would be the strategy. i would also play with Resourceful not only in the sideboard.

so, is the Grey Companion better than the Dúnedain Wanderer? in this case i think not. defending should be handled by gimli so i need rather ranged than good defense on allies.

We Are Not Idle or Captain's Wisdom are good cards, but they cost 0 and makes Taking Initiative worse. so i think using either is best. hat is better i do not know, but here i want to go the less character-way.

that might be better, but that as not how this is intended. the classical version i would play with minimum or no alep-cards.

here i want to stay 1 character (or 1+Sneak Attack or galadriel) for at least 2 rounds to make the most out of the events.

Sep 26, 2022 kjeld 709

I would add The Grey Wanderer! =D

Sep 26, 2022 doomguard 2191

ofc ;)

Sep 26, 2022 NERD 873

Even so, I think Soldier of Erebor's high cost would benefit Taking Initiative more than it being an ally would hurt it. The same can be said of Timely Aid. I would use Grey Companion in addition to Dúnedain Wanderer in order improve Taking Initiative and Timely Aid. Also, I don't think War Axe has any targets.

Sep 26, 2022 doomguard 2191

War Axe has as long he has #thorongil.

@ Taking Initiative if it is discarded yes, if it is an ally in play, then is not good. having 2 characters all the cost 1 cards makes Taking Initiative whiff. so it is, Timely Aid or Taking Initiative both is not effective (14 cost 1 cards in the deck)

Sep 26, 2022 LEGOlas 131

Ok, but then why include Ered Luin Miner? He is an ally with primarily unhelpful stats. I know King Under the Mountain and Well-Equipped have the potential to make him free, but wouldn't Hidden Cache or Soldier of Erebor be better. Also, you have said that Faramir is critical in solo. Wouldn't you want a ton of cheaper allies to make Faramir worth it?

Sep 27, 2022 doomguard 2191

6 allies(wp 1) + faramir=12 wp +4 of gimli (+4 of gandalf a few times) seems enough for most quests. but if you like to play it with more allies, feel free.... but than i would take a complete diffferent deck like this:

Soldier of Erebor in this configuration makes no sense... (as i told before) defense is enough. wp 0 of the soldier is less than the 1 of the miner. if you want to be more effective replace Ered Luin Miner with Longbeard Elder but they have no chance to be free.

Hidden Cache is a good card, but what to replace? if not discarded is see more use of the miner than the cache. (with steward he gains 5 res a round)

Sep 27, 2022 serpico 264

Some Strider?? With The Grey Wanderer top combo

Sep 27, 2022 NERD 873

I'm pretty sure Strider is purposefully excluded. Elf-friend with Andúril is more fun even though its less thematic.

Sep 27, 2022 doomguard 2191

Strider is good, for the first 1-3 rounds. then hopefully some allies are there. it is an additional action. if used it should be the default attachment from contract. it gives the title so Andúril would also be possible 2. round.

perhaps the more effective deck, but less fun as @NERD mentioned ^^